If Alkalization of the Body Can Help Dissolve Kidney Stones

Question by Ben (Scottsdale, AZ) on 11/05/2006

Can Ted tell me if alkalization of the body and urine over time can reverse or help dissolve preformed kidney stones Also,are there herbs that specifically "dissolve" kidney stones,regardless of their type or composition

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Ben: Alkaline diets usually prevent stones from forming by neutralizing the oxalic acid in our intestines from entering the blood. It might have limited ability to dissolve them, but they do get dissolved.

If the intestines have insufficient amount of bicarbonates to neutralized the oxalic acid, it quickly enters the blood and react with the body's calcium to quickly form calcium oxalate, which accumulates in the body rather quickly.

Unfortunately there are many kinds of stones, which makes it difficult to say with certain what you need to do to dissolve it. Some are stones formed by acid, some are by alkaline, there are struvite stones, calcium oxalate stones, uric acid and phosphate stones all due to imbalances of the body.

Assuming you know, which means your urinary pH is known, then you might have some fair idea of how to dissolve it if it doesn't get too big. Generally, acid urine can be dissolved by taking alkalizing diets or making your urine alkaline, and vice versa.

There is some instance of kidney stones being dissolved. In one case my friend tried drinking coke 2 liter for 2 bottle over the course of a day since coke has phosphoric acid. It will dissolve the calcium stones. Doesn't work every time, but seems to work in minor cases, if you caught it on early. Of course, over the long term, he too have to take sodium bicarbonates, potassium citrate in 1:1 ratio to alkalize his urine regularly.

If the body is high in uric acid, then in some cases taking just bicarbonates and plenty of water will remove most of the problem.

One reason I never have stones is before they do cloudy urine is often a sign. And by instinct I knew they were calcium in the urine causing it. So what I did was take plenty of vitamin C, vitamin B complex and some baking soda. The next day it was all normal.

While I cannot say what conditions you have, you can observe your own cloudiness of urine as a prevention, and who knows, if you can reduce its cloudiness that might also help reduce the stones size after a couple of weeks.

You just have to observe both the color of your urine and its cloudiness. The best way is to put it in a small clear cup so you can observe better. Then you will know whether your diets are too acid or too alkaline. Just remember, too yellow in a urine cup (instead of pale yellow) often means you don't drink enough water. A cloudy one indicates dietary imbalances: not enough b complex, vitamin C, etc.

One case I noticed a person who had excessively large stones. I knew that their dietary preferences was the cause. In that particular case, the person never liked consuming oranges, vitamin C, alkalizing diet (baking soda), and neither does he take vitamin B complex throughout his life.


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