Question by Debra (Brisbane, Australia) on 01/20/2012

Dear Ted, I am wondering how your stem cell research is going My fibromyalgia pain that seems to be like no other, chronic fatigue, dysfunctional immune system and severe sensitivities to foods and everything inhaled making it virtually impossible to live on this planet seem to stem from my liver problems. But it is very stubborn to heal. All suggested herbs and supplements just aren't helping.

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/21/2012

Stem cell research is this: basically colloidal gold and colloidal silver in approximately 50/50 solution will get more stem cells. The optimal dose is calculated at per kilogram weight at approximately 9 drops per kilogram, now I cannot be exact on the mixture because I know the colloidal gold is 20 ppm and my prepared colloidal silver is with hydrogen peroxide 3%, saturated, using 48 v adapter at 700 ma. Under that scheme, it is closer to 60% silver and 40% gold. As far as other stem cells, lithium 2 mg, will help the maturation of stem cells.

"My fibromyalgia pain that seems to be like no other, chronic fatigue, dysfunctional immune system and severe sensitivities to foods and everything inhaled making it virtually impossible to live on this planet seem to stem from my liver problems."

You really need N Acetyl Cysteine and B50. The N acetyl cysteine is 250 mg x 4 times a day, and B50 taken 3 times a day until your appetite comes back. As far as allergies of all kinds, I found heavy metal poisoning to be the case (mostly) and EDTA 50 to 100 mg low dose taken every day, preferably tetra sodium EDTA or disodium EDTA, seems to help me. Usually Lysine and malic acid will help fibromyalgia, there was this Swiss woman who was on vacation and did not have any energy because of chronic fatigue, once she took lysine every hour for four hours, within 3 hours she was going out for a swim. Methylene blue 0.1% no coffee, 4 drops in morning and before noon will help, less allergy if you do baking soda, and B3 500 mg at evening time.



Replied by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 10/28/2014


Would a Borax bath (1 C. Borax - the laundry booster) help I had severe arm pain the other day and did a Borax soak in hot water. I felt WAY better the next day.



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