Help Needed

Question by Cassie (Edgewood, NM) on 11/27/2006

I have a 11 year old dd with a 2cm Kidney stone, we live in an area with hard water, we don't drink it, but I used it for cooking. We are using some herbal compounds from our Acupuncturist, but we need to dissolve them. She gets pain in her side (where the stone is) and has for years, our 'naturopathic dr' had told us it was worms, immune system, all sorts of stuff, we were in an auto accident and had X-rays to make sure everything was OK and discovered this stone. Any help would be deeply appreciated, I would like her to have some of her childhood painfree.. Thanks,

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Cassie: Most people who do have kidney stones don't like fruit juices, especially lemon juice. To reduce the size of the kidney stones just drink plenty of lemon juice throughout the day. The citric acid will reduce the size of the stones. Taken every 2 hours. Whole lemon juice is required every time it is taken.

I always know before a kidney stones occur because my urine starts getting cloudy. When this happens I immediately take plenty vitamin B complex and take lemon juice or grape juice. The cloudiness of the urine goes away the next day. The key is to drink water, plenty of water, but not the kind of water you think. It is going to be distilled water so that the calcium will get dissolved faster.

One other way is to drink plenty of coke, which is not a particularly healthy way of doing so but it does get rid of kidney stones primarily as coke is very acid and contains phosphoric acid. Two liter of coke for the whole day might do fine in dissolving. But with 2 cm of stones it appears to take far longer as it is way too big, but certainly it will reduce the pain.

The best option is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) which uses sound waves to break the stones away and does not require surgery. For this 2 cm, this appears to be a safer and faster option.

Future prevention, just take plenty of baking soda plus citric acid to alkalize and this will neutralize the body from forming calcium stones. The daily dose is 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid to 1/2 glass of water as a preventive. Whether or not it works is simple: is the urine cloudy The cloudy urine is a dead giveaway that the stones are forming in the kidneys. Vitamin B complex is another and so is vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in reducing and preventing kidney stones.

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