Ted's Remedies

Question by Eileen on 11/05/2007

Dear Ted, Your advice on the earthclinic web site is helping so many people. I just found the site a month ago and read it ever chance I get. Thank you so much for all your expertise! I find it incredible that we can change our health and receive all this information from our computers.

For some reason I have always believed in natural remedies and that the body is self-healing. Fortunately I have been very healthy until I turned 55, eight years ago, and began an unwanted dance with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I do need help now. I am looking and searching for a cure for RA. The best I have felt is taking CMO and Monolaurin (coconut oil in a pill). I also cook with coconut oil. They both keep me very functionable and pretty much pain free but I know they don't cure.

Also, since Sept. I started with mega doses of Vitamin C. I have been taking 60,000 mg a day of Vitamin C to bowel tolerance. I was able to decrease to 50,000 mg after Sept. My goal is to reduce the inflammation in my body. I was going to try this for three months to see the results. I have completed two months and feel disappointed not being able to reduce the mg. after the second month. I read that you recommend sodium ascorbic and I have been taking ascorbic acid. I guess I am not helping an already acid condition after reading about your comments on earthclinic. I was going to start the ACV but wondered what the mix with the Vitamin C would do I do the epsom salt bath two/three times a week and I do the Cayce castor oil packs especially in the winter months. I do apply castor oil a couple of times a week in the warm months but do not use the heating pad. I think the castor oil packs are awesome. I have tried taking Vitamin B complex and it keeps me awake all night long. I have even tried the lowest amount in sublingual drops and still awake. I am able to take Cod Liver Oil, the Epsom salt and Vitamin C but I am unable to take any other vitamins because I don't think I absorb them any better than I do certain foods that bring on pain. I did keep a food journal at the beginning of this illness and know that grains, etc. do not agree with RA. I am very careful with my diet and eat mostly vegetables, salads, chicken and fish and drink only water. After reading earthclinic I just started with the honey in water and feel very positive this is good. But, I know my body is lacking in vitamins. I started the Oil Pulling two/three times a day for five days a week. After a couple of days I had pain and then I cut back to once a day and no pain. If I thought the pain would only last a month or so I would continue two/three times a day. But since I don't know thought I would do this a little slower to be more comfortable. Today I read your personal story and realize that you believe in Vitamin C. I guess I am surprised since you don't recommend Mega doses and I am curious to hear your opinion. I am writing for help and any information is welcomed.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Eileen:

Yes, the castor oil packs are incredible. That's because even a tiny trace, even if it is undetectable, the portion of ricin, which are quite toxic to microorganisms even at undetectable levels. The castor oil packs kills the mycoplasma that causes the condition.

However, my approach to an autoimmune Rheumatism Arthritism, deals more directly with the cause. Autoimmunity in my opinion happens whenever the fungal, mycoplasma attaches itself to the joints, and certain staph bacteria eats through the ligaments, causing joint deformities. If both the myco bacterium and the staph are removed, then the condition goes back to normal.

However, to normalize such problem I always require that the body must first normalize its pH, otherwise the body simply can't repair itself. The body repairs itself in an alkaline or an optimum pH state, where with a small electronic pH meter, I can monitor my health a lot better than if I used the doctor's thermometer. The urinary pH needs to be 7.0 or at least near that such as 6.8 for example. Electronic pocket pH meter need not be expensive. Mine costs about $50 and it lasts for years with proper use. I alkalized myself with either 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water twice a day, but I sometimes find I need more than that based on the pH meter readings. A reading is taking after about an hour or two after taking the lemon and baking soda.

It should be noted the body repairs itself in an alkaline state, but at the same time the body repairs itself, the body is also in a relaxed, relatively reduced stress whenever the baking soda and lemon remedy is taken. But this may lead to sleepiness in some cases, and hence the schedule of taking this can be moved to early evening and late evening, assuming it's two dose a day, so this won't interfere with the work, but the body will require more sleep to repair itself.

Generally the pH issue is foundation to many of my remedies, as I have found to my surprise, that the body needs to get to an alkaline state before any other remedies to work effectively. If not, it is not going to work.

One of the most misunderstood issue of alkalizing involves the issue of vitamin C and ACV being "alkaline". With people having greater access of pH, the truth now comes out without all the disinformation out there in the internet and you can prove to yourself also. Ascorbic acid tends to cause the body to be more acid. A vitamin C in an acid state is an oxidant state, not antioxidant and causes your urine pH to be acid. A vitamin C in an alkaline form, usually sodium ASCORBATE, is an antioxidant. So the reason why 50,000 mg was taken did not result in improvement was that the ascorbic acid CAUSES the body to be in acid state, preventing the healing process. This is why the issue of pH is so important. I am NOT against mega doses of vitamin, I am against taking the wrong kinds of vitamin. Taking too much can sometimes burn your pocket much easier than if you just take the proper amounts and get same therapeutic effect. The issue therefore deals more with effective dose.

The second most important, more like the second part of the remedy that has helped greatly is the magnesium. The more the better, generally speaking. But generally the dose is anywhere between 250 - 1000 mg/day, usually 5 days out of a week. The form of magnesium is important one, I prefer the magnesium citrate, because of its alkalizing influence. Perhaps, 250 mg is taken 3 to 4 times a day. Or a 500 mg dose is taken twice a day. The magnesium kills of the bacterium which causes the ligament damage bought out by the staph bacteria, that can cause the joint to fuse. I have notice personally of one person with severely disfigured hand, upon taken magnesium, in fairly high dose of 1000 mg for about 3-6 months period that the disfigured hands returned or improved significantly such conditions. You should noticed the pain to reduce quite noticeably the very next day or two.

The third remedy, which can be added to the magnesium supplement or put into a drinking water, at least for me that has helped stopped any joint pain I may have, is the borax remedy. The remedy I used is 1/4 teaspoon of borax per one liter of drinking water. But if it was a woman the dose may be reduced to 1/8 teaspoon of borax per one liter of drinking water. I would probably take as much as I need, usually 1-3 days out of a week, but for more severe conditions it may require up to 5 days out of a week. At least that's what I would do. Just remember, I never tell people what to do, they simply have to decide for themselves. In many people who do take this remedy, there is a some weight loss effect, which is generally good in reducing weight pressure on the legs, if the Rheumatism does have problems in that area too. Borax is a powerful antifungal medicine, that I found because it has helped me a lot.

The other remedies that I consider quite helpful and has helped increase bone density, obviously, any antifungal supplements will do that, such as borax, magnesium, alkalization (from reduced bone leeching effect caused by acid blood), for example. One other remedy I tend to forget, is the xylitol. If taken with SUFFICIENT alkalization, the xylitol has an antifungal, anti yeast (obviously antifungal), and hence reduced rheumatoid conditions.

I suspect there is good potentials in the used of polyols, especially the xylitol in many other autoimmunity disorders, besides just the borax and baking soda. Castor oil packs, applied is helpful too as it discourages microorganism from growth by killing them. One interesting story was the use of ammonium chloride, that is mixed in certain, conventional medicine to reduce joint pain.

What most people don't know is ammonium compounds, especially if it is in a very alkaline state (such as ammonium chloride, in sodium carbonate solution) the ammonium compounds kill fungus almost instantly, but does not kill the staph bacteria as effective as the magnesium citrate. If you want the joint pain to be worse, doing the exact opposite is the calcium, where mycoplasma tends to grow on that will make the conditions worse, so avoiding some calcium rich foods seems to help.

Especially acid forming foods, such as simple grains, as in white bread, or pizza, or even oily foods as in french fries and fried chicken. What is most important is fungus tends to grow best in free metal iron rich, and this is why some woman who can no longer menstruate, experiences greater rhematoid, as free iron metals accumulate in the body. Hence, green tea, no sugar, no milk will reduce as the tannins strongly attaching themselves to the free metal iron, depriving of food source of fungus necessary to do further damage. There are other tannin rich foods that can help, such as my favorite, is a pomegranate fruit, rather than juices, are more effective, as well as a powerful diuretic too.

The other helpful supportive remedies, is the chrondrotin and glucosamine sulfate, especially the glucosamine, since it tends to lubricate the joints with less squeaking, thus may cause less pain. But over the long run, it is the killing of the bacterium that will help the most. Maybe the medicines of today may not admit all those microorganisms causing the condition, but in the future, it is going to go in this direction.

To permit joint healing, hyaluronic supplements, aloe vera supplement can help. Certain vitamins that are deemed important and have anti fungal properties in killing off the cause that I found very helpful is vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. The usual doses is about 20,000 I.U. of vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 or K3 using as per prescribed dose, often taken for 2-3 months is quite helpful. The pain also reduces the next couple days.

The other things that I think is helpful, especially the bacteria that attacks the ligament, is the zinc supplements, but usually magnesium is most important and zinc are important especially if there is a deficiency. A reasonable dose is 50 mg once a week.

REPLY   3      

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Today I have been very tired and will start tomorrow (as you suggested) to take at 4 PM (an hour before dinner) and then again at 10 PM. Does this make sense

4 pm and 10 pm, or 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. would be o.k. If the hours are tight a minimum of 30 minutes before dinner, but preferably one hour or more before dinner, or one hour or more after dinner. It is BEST BEFORE dinner, however.

I think this is to be taken on an empty stomach


I have been taking a whole lemon with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. Should I reduce to 2 tablespoons of lemon

Preferably try whole lime, its about equal to two tablespoons anyway. Therefore, I would reduce to two lemons. Just to keep the body within the pH range for healing!

Magnesium citrate 500 mg taken twice a day on an empty stomach Right now I am taking the pills but when I finish this bottle I will make up your recipe.

Yes, but I prefer to chew or ground up the magnesium citrate, and perhaps dissolve in water. This way magnesium gets into the body instead of just staying there in a tablet form without dissolving. The tablets ideally should dissolve in 15 minutes, fully in 20-30 minutes, if not, it is safer to ground them up or get them in powdered form, if they have it!

You said I could add borax to the magnesium drink. I can do this without adding water

The borax should always be dissolve in one liter of drinking water, then taken slowly over an entire day like any drinking water. This way I will ensure that the blood borax levels stays pretty constant, causing the mycobacterium to die. It works that way. If the blood borax decreases, they regrow back again at a fairly fast speed. I have noticed I am thirsty today. Is this from the baking soda and is normal

I was counting on that. So it is normal. Over the next couple of weeks, appetites should increase too. A definite relaxed feeling should be noticed. The tiredness should disappear once the body is fully detoxed. To energize the body in the morning I would add 3 drops of 3% H2O2 and 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon baking soda as an option. The baking soda can or cannot be added, but I would just try the H2O2 3% 3 drops in one glass in the morning first. Then I will try on the H2O2 3% 3 drops plus 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in 1 glass in the morning the next day. My general feedback is people seem to prefer the H2O2 & baking soda, but everyone is different. People tell me stress can cause a lot of sickness, but one other factor is alkalization can also reduce stress. So perhaps in some case acidosis or lack of alkalization can also lead to stress too. Should I exclude the sodium vitamin C while I am on the baking soda

Add the vitamin C, powdered or grounded with the baking soda. Add enough baking soda until the taste is no longer sour. This is sodium ascorbate. It reacts with baking soda and ascorbic acid to get this and it should not have an effect on the body's pH. For me I will add the baking soda until the pH is 7.0-7.5 on my electronic pocket pH meter. The key is not to take acid form of vitamin C, BUT neutralize the acid vitamin C to be neutral or alkaline.

If I am taking Cod Liver Oil will this take care of D3

The vitamin D in cod liver oil is insufficient, in some people who cannot get the vitamin D2 or D3 had to take up to 20 capsules just to get a reasonable vitamin D such as 1000 -5000 i.u. The therapeutic range of vitamin D used by doctors is actually between roughly 20,000-50,000 i.u. Mine is on the lower end of the therapeutic range. However, officials generally recommend only 500-1000 i.u. maximum, which is quite different from what they do in practice. A lot of recommendations out there regarding the arthritis, by the officials actually make the conditions worse. Since I have tried this, I know what works and what does not work for me and the people I know first hand.

I am 5'2" and weight 100 lbs. Do I need to adjust the amount of 1/4 teaspoon baking soda or adjust the amount of borax

The remedy, is designed for a small build, light weight person anyway. So there is no change. The remedy may be insufficient, if the person's weight is 150 lbs or above, however.

Do these measurements serve all body sizes

The remedy is based on 100 lbs, 5 '2 to 5 '4 build, so there should be no problems here. A person of slightly larger weight of 150 may need to double the dose. Most calculations of remedy is based on weight, not height basis.

I am still taking CMO (cetyl myristoleate) and Monolaurin. I think this is okay

That would be fine. It actions actually work more like detoxification. I think BHT supplements are more interesting therpeutically than the CMO, but that's just my opinion!

I have been inhaling one time twice a day with the H202. I think this is okay

Inhaling H2O2, would be fine, but this depends a lot on concentration. If it is in aerosol form or humidifier, the concentration might be anywhere from 1% to 3%, but if it is put directly in the nose, the concentration can never be above 0.5% concentration. This is a common mistake.

Now, I get my body alkalized by testing every day until it reaches 6.8 to 7. I am going to purchase an electronic pocket pH meter now. All I have right now is the paper. Is it okay to purchase this from a swimming pool supplier I would think they would be the same

There is a big difference between a paper and the pH meter. I can be off by 1 pH on the paper, and this is significant. Paper, for some reason or another gives a false reading towards alkalinity and this is a big problem of many pH papers I have experienced.

Once my pH is at the okay level do I continue on the lemon drink five days a week or stop until my pH drops below the 6.8 I don't switch ever to the ACV/baking soda

The body's pH should be maintained for the rest of your life, otherwise the body can't heal. An exception is I can give it a 2 day rest a week by not taking the lemon and baking soda. I have been doing this for the past 35 years, but I wished I would have the discipline to manage to do more often, like at least 5 days out of a week at least.

Actually, it would be easier if we were sea animals. Their sea water and ocean's pH is an ideal environment of getting really good ideal alkalinity, since the world's ocean's pH generally is between 8 - 9 anyway, which is at a range quite close to baking soda, whose pH is about 8. Ancient ancestors, evolutionary anyway, actually came from the sea, so I can't miss the fact that I need to return to my original roots - regular alkalization, just like our ancient ancestors.

REPLY   1      

Replied by Eileen on 11/07/2007

Ted, I want to do this correctly and I have a few questions. First, I wanted to tell you I am glad you told me the lemon/baking soda could cause me to be tired. Today I have been very tired and will start tomorrow (as you suggested) to take at 4 PM (an hour before dinner) and then again at 10 PM. Does this make sense I think this is to be taken on an empty stomach

I have been taking a whole lemon with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. Should I reduce to 2 tablespoons of lemon Magnesium citrate 500 mg taken twice a day on an empty stomach Right now I am taking the pills but when I finish this bottle I will make up your recipe. You said I could add borax to the magnesium drink. I can do this without adding water I have noticed I am thirsty today. Is this from the baking soda and is normal Should I exclude the sodium vitamin C while I am on the baking soda If I am taking Cod Liver Oil will this take care of D3 I am 5'2" and weight 100 lbs. Do I need to adjust the amount of 1/4 teaspoon baking soda or adjust the amount of borax Do these measurements serve all body sizes I am still taking CMO (cetyl myristoleate) and Monolaruin. I think this is okay I have been inhaling one time twice a day with the H202. I think this is okay

Last question, I think Now, I get my body alkalized by testing every day until it reaches 6.8 to 7. I am going to purchase an electronic pocket pH meter now. All I have right now is the paper. Is it okay to purchase this from a swimming pool supplier I would think they would be the same Once my pH is at the okay level do I continue on the lemon drink five days a week or stop until my pH drops below the 6.8 I don't switch ever to the ACV/baking soda


Replied by Julie (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/10/2011

Hi Ted, Is sodium ascorbic the same as Sodium ascorbate

Replied by Susie (Las Vegas, Nv) on 01/06/2012

Hi Ted, I'm a little confused. You have three remedies, should I do all three at the same time Also, if I do the lemon juice should I quit drinking ACV. Lastly, I know sugar is bad for arthritis, but is honey ok

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