Colon Cancer W/ Stent in Biliary Duct

Question by LT (Anonymous) on 03/28/2012

Hi Ted, My dad recently had a stent put in the billiary duct due to tumor blockage. His eyes were yellow and his skin. That was done on 3/6/2012. He is doing better. Yellow is gone. WBC count going down. CEA level at 130. His alkaline phophate is up to 703 that was on 3/14/2012. We will be rechecking blood work this week.

I see that his tumors have increases on his spleen and liver. But he was taking in sugar. I have completely stopped his sugar intake. He is on B17, Essiac Tea, Vitamin C for nausea and applying DMSo with cesium on external skin.

On B50. Is thier anything else i can do. He is walking and has little appetite. Can i give him iron daily solution since he was low in iron at hospital. I have not given Lugols Iodine. Should i give him that daily. Please advice when you have time. His liver enzymes were last bloodwork done 3/14/2012: bilirubin indirect 2.6, bilirubin direct 4.1, bilirubin total 6.7 first was at 11.7 then 7.5 now 6.7


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/03/2012

Supplementing with B50 complex and Betaine HCl with every meal should help him.



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