Burns at Surgical Site, Necrosis

Question by Anonymous (Anonymous) on 09/26/2011

Dear Ted, My brother is an avid follower of you and suggested I e-mail you for some input. I had a triple hernia repair at a local military hospital and my surgeon advised me to apply heat to the incision site. Which caused 3rd degree burns that have now gone into necrosis. They started trying to treat me with silver oxide which turned everything very very silver. They have now switched me to basitracin and adaptic bandages that I change twice daily. I go in on this Tuesday for them to scrap off all the necrotic white skin that hasn't turned black yet and try to lessen the need for skin grafting. Every time I go to the military hospital I think every surgeon looks at my wound and they all leave scratching their heads, baffled ! ! I am worried about long term scarring!!! Do you have any suggestions Thanks-In-Advance.

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/26/2011

The white area can be either the effect of applying silver (but they are black) but may be reacted with some skin which turns gray, that's the area in the center. Now it could be the white area is silver so they were not given silver oxide but pure silver, I don't know from where I am standing. The white area may be a rare form of fungus which suppresses the pigmentation (that's often the case), or the medicine may have suppressed the pigmentation. In any event, what they should have done is mix some antiseptics with aloe vera oil, vitamin E and some vitamin A, to help accelerate the healing. People have often downplayed aloe vera, but it is remarkable in causing healing without all these scarring and other things, if you can find aloe vera oil in your area!

Lysine, glycine and glutamine can be taken to help healing, taken lysine 1000 x 5, glycine, and glutamine about the same amount. Magnesium chloride solution with appropriate dilution (to where it won't cause irritation if too concentrated and not too diluted to point if causes itchiness), is used as an antiseptic solution. Surgeons generally know magnesium chloride doesn't do damage to the skin (e.g. necrosis, discoloration, etc.) as their other antiseptics do to the healthy skin.



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