Bleeding Rash Identification and Remedy?

Question by Tobey (Guelph, ON) on 02/01/2007

I take ACV 6tbsp/day, 10gr l-glutamine/day, probiotic 2x/day, liver cleanse and have oil pulled for about 3 weeks. My issue is that I have had a skin rash (began 3 yrs ago) that covered my body and itched terribly and bled. Now is contained to the stomach channel on my lower legs and looks like little red dots/blisters that itch and can bleed (a little - not copiously) and it seems the skin is thickening around the dots. I also suffer from varicose veins, am 43 caucasian female with mild respitory issues (that the ACV seem to has helped immensely!) I have had western MD blood tests and skin tests, seen dermatologists, Eastern (TCM) tests, get acupuncture and see naturopath regularly (she cleared it up to where it is now). Does anyone know what this might be

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Tobey: It must be understood that rashes are a very general condition and can have a whole range of causes. The reason why rashes are not successfully treated based on my experience is people simply aren't trying hard enough to find the causes. If the causes are known, then it becomes a process of elimination by treatment necessary to narrow down which remedies will work based on an unknown rash source. Obviously if you have a sickness or poisoning of some kind, such as measles, syphilis, AIDS, chemical spills and other obvious diseases, those are treated first rather than looking at what is the cause of rashes here. Therefore, I assume you already ruled out those obvious disease by seeing a practitioner already. We can therefore rule out these right off, in general. Certain obvious food allergies such as milk, bread, bacon, and others should also be eliminated or at least considered also. If those are not likely you can go to the next step.

For one thing, the rashes would have healed faster if you added baking soda to the ACV. The body can detoxify the rashes a lot easier. The fact that the skins thickens around the dots is a shell the bacteria or microbes create to protect themselves, or the body simply has inability to kill it so it blocks out. Often blocking out is a condition of acidity or lack of bicarbonates as the body's capillaries contract whenever the body is in acidic state.

The dots can become lose and removed if you take 2 tablespoons of ACV plus at least 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda three times a day, or 3 tablespoon and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda two times a day. When the body is in alkaline state, the vitamin C and other biochemicals becomes an antioxidant instead of pro oxidant so that the rashes should reduced further. It takes about almost two months to see an improvement in skin condition and the dots beginning to fall off.

Rashes often depend on the cause, so that the treatment can deal with it, but the foundation of getting urinary pH within 6.5-7.35 remains paramount so that the biochemical inside your body won't work against you.

The other is to increase the body's defense system which is also one of the foundations of rashes, generally. Basically in this condition, I think 50 mg of zinc acetate (or suitable gluconate, citrate) taken every other day should further contain it.

Usually long term rashes require deeper biochemical changes than just topical treatment for cases of rashes. The other issue of rashes that causes bleeding or skin breakage could also one of deficiency also, such as evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, vitamin D, cod liver oil, vitamin E and vitamin A. I am sure your naturopath is far more qualified to treat your conditions because of the information available from regular visits. So it is best to ask the naturopath for these questions.

The most helpful topical treat depending on the cause or what generally works the best, assuming of course this is not due to deficiency issues and the deficiency issues and corrected biochemical balance was already dealt with. It takes about at least 2 weeks to correct the biochemical imbalance. Eliminating the issues of disease or deficiencies. This appears to be a weakly flesh eating microbes as evidenced by the bleeding conditions.

1. Topical application of apple cider vinegar or vinegar. The itchiness should stop or reduced within minutes. It has a tendency to neutralize most chemical toxins and and biochemical ones.

2 If vinegar route does not work, then an alkaline solution is preferable. So a concentrated baking soda or a wet baking soda paste applied for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

3. Pure ethanol or a strong vodka is another alternative applied to the skin as long as possible to rid of the other known organism that have hydrophobic abilities. For it to work best, mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder with the vodka about 1/3 or 1/4 cup to be applied to the skin, for at least 3 hours to notice improvements. 6 hours is the ideal time to kill most if you know it is working.

4. Lavender oil quite often works when they do not work. I often use either pure lavender oil or lavender oil mixed with ethanol or vodka often a 10% lavender oil solution.

5. A simple toothpaste applied to the skin which has peppermint oil will often do nicely in some cases of skin rashes, especially of viral nature. Herbal toothpastes with peppermint, generally worked the best.

6. In event none of the above works, a 5% zinc acetate or a 2% zinc chloride applied to the skin (in case it is viral cause such as herpes, etc.) for about at least 6-12 hours. It must be on the skin long enough to effect a killing.

7. In event it is of fungal or more aggressive organism is there a solution of 1% hydrogen peroxide applied to the skin long enough should reduce the itchiness. If the fungus were somewhat more aggressive, or it the issue is one of tiny insects, from being near a dog with mange for example, then a 1% percent hydrogen peroxide with a saturated amount of borax is treated to the skin all day.

8. If nothing STILL worked, then there may be some aggressive organism or metal or chemical that is resilient to neutralizing. In this case I found bentonite wet clay applied and dried, for about 30 minutes then reapplied for at least 5 times will do the job. Sometimes my remedy overshoot itself where 3 times would generally be sufficient, but I am playing safe.

It is difficult to write down every possible causes for rashes and its treatment, but as a warning, people often give up too easily trying to narrow down the cause. The cause takes more time than the cure itself. So it is necessary to go down the list and try one by one until you find the cause. Sugar during times of rash should be eliminated from the diet and this includes fruit juices. They are quite often food for the microbes.

Rash isn't going to get any better in the near future as antibiotic resistant strains, and the evolution of microbes get accelerated development through GMO or bioweapons where genes of various microbes exchanged becoming much deadlier with each step. If the authorities think they have the antidote to them or a way to kill bioweapons in case they do get to the civilian population, controlling them is quite difficult since genes are exchanged with the human host and viral host, and may make it quite difficult to actually dealing with the specific organism. Other safer common garden variety bacteria can become quite deadly if those genes are transferred naturally via horizontal gene transfers. Just imagine how deadly would it be if the common cold viruses suddenly acquires a bioweapon genes by accident through horizontal gene transfer.

This is how evolution happens, but now we are snipping DNA pieces to plants, cows, pigs, chickens and even if they don't touch humans, genes from the food also get exchanged in the bacterial gut and they can be come deadly or displace the human genes with the genes to acquire GMO genes or bioweapons genes.

If it is getting to this level, there is no way that rashes can be handled. This is just my humble opinion that bioweapons research should be stopped before things get out of hand. It already has for the past decade with flesh eating MRSA. I really have no way of controlling this kind of gene exchange issue and it is one issue that I have no way to cure or treat the conditions. It is going to be more difficult to treat and it isn't going to be any easier in the future.

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