Earth Clinic Mobile: Home Remedies for People and Pets

Tea Tree Oil Side Effects

Tea Tree Essential Oil is a popular home remedy for a variety of conditions, yet some people experience side effects when using it.  Commonly used for skin conditions, it make some skin conditions worse.  Earth Clinic readers have experienced redness, dermatitis, hair loss, and perioral dermatitis. 

Avoiding Side Effects of Tea Tree Oil

To decrease the risks of side effects from the use of tea tree essential oil, use a high quality oil.  Tea tree essential oil is commonly used neat (without diluting in a carrier oil) but essential oils are highly concentrated.  Diluting tea tree essential oil in olive oil, coconut oil, or olive oil will make it less likely to cause a reaction. 

Essential oils should always be diluted if used on children and pets. Cats can be particularly sensitive to essential oils and many recommned never using essential oils, including tea tree oil, on or around cats.  Because essential oils are a very concentrated form of an herb, they should be used with caution.  Essential oils have become very popular and consumers assume that because they are an herbal product, they do not pose a risk.  All herbs have risks of side effects and allergic reactions, especially in a concentrated form.   ...

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