Vitamin C for Side Effects


Leah (NH) on 12/05/2006:
0 out of 5 stars

I started taking pure vitamin C as suggested by a doctor to try and get rid of my cold faster. Within a couple of days I broke out with a blistery rash on the palms on my hands. It itched somewhat and was very annoying. Once i stopped taking it the rash disappeared. I also developed the rash after drinking large amounts of V8 Splash juice which also contains large amounts of vitamin C.

Denise (Temecula, CA) on 06/04/2006:
0 out of 5 stars

I have never been able to take Vit C. Within four days of ingesting it I would break out in massive cold sores. This also occurs when I eat large amounts of citrus or organic home grown tomatoes.

Don (Perth Western Australia) on 05/22/2006:
0 out of 5 stars

High dose vitamin C caused my magnesium level to fall drastically. After taking high vit C for two months, I finished up in the emergency ward having defibrillation to correct severe atrial fibrillation brought on by low magnesium. Please add this warning to your advice pages, thanks.
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