Serrapeptase for Nerve Pain and Scarring

5 star (1) 

Linda (Washington) on 02/01/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

Serrapeptase is a miracle I stumbled upon when faced with a very painful double nerve surgery at elbow and wrist attempting to find a holistic pain relief and no drugs after surgery plus eliminate scar tissue, when it was difficult to find in US. In Europe and Great Britain - prescription only. has a lot of info on this natural enzyme.

Dr Hans Nieper, a famous German heart Dr and researcher, made this discovery - he gave large doses to these blocked heart patients that normally he would have done bypass surgeries. These large doses were to eat the plaque and he did not perform the surgeries. Dr Nieper and parents were all Drs - now deceased, made a lot of other discoveries I suspect it could be possible people with side effects might have ordered an off brand (maybe Chinese-or possibly the ingredients are from China) that caused their issues. I have several of Dr Niepers books. He was a blessed genius.

An example of eating scar tissue: My appendix was removed in 1951…..ugly raised fat scar until 2010 when I discovered this miracle for my hand/elbow surgery. All my scars are now thin white lines. One day I scratched my stomach and huh??? If scar crosses nerves or lays along side - common sense is scar tissue grows and presses on nerves causing pain. The elbow took a year for the pain to diminish and for the pain to go, but they moved the nerve.

I never have had an issue with serrapeptase, but maybe it is me that handles it well or the brand. Wish you well!

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