Anxiety And Sleep for Rhodiola

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Leslie (Goose Creek) on 03/12/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I take 250 mg Rhodiola Root twice daily; one before bed (improves sleep) and one in the morning (reduces stress). I started taking it when working in an extremely stressful and mentally abusive environment. It took a few days, maybe as many as 5 days, to feel significant results. The results are real! I had tried Melatonin for sleep; but, found it ineffective when experiencing a high degree of anxiety. Melatonin also left me with something of a "hangover" the next day. The Rhodiola Root drastically improves my ability to fall asleep; and drastically improves my stress level. The most notable symptom of reduced stress that I no longer feel compelled to get on other people's "crazy train". I have become somewhat immune to internalizing others' anxiety at work.