Multiple Cures for Oregano Oil

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just me Bob (Alberta) on 10/14/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using the oil of Oregano for over 15 yrs, I use strong and good quality stuff.

One test I use for selecting a brand: if there is any hint of bitterness in taste, I avoid it. There are many on the market, I prefer strong, even used 100% for bad toothaches. It's worked for my teeth for serious and minor issues.

The best way to use it is by nipping in the bud whatever you notice, pain or discomfort, do not allow the problem to become a monster. Any major pain can be hard to get under control, but I have had 100 percent success even with these.

Maybe I'm well suited for it, I can take large doses of it and it only works that much better with no side effects. I know my body very well and can read it easily .

I have beat all viruses with it big and small, colds, allergies, toothaches needing root canals, pains in my body that were strong, do not know what they were but with constant use of Oregano they went away ... 100 % success and more things as well beaten.

You must be able to read your body, and you should be able better than anyone else, that's what pain is, it's a signal to you that only you are aware of. It's really that simple to me anyhow.

Oregano Oil is my go to, and I have other things too. It's been a blessing in a big way for years. I hope others find it too, many can not believe what I just wrote here, their great loss.

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Bob G. (Smithville, On ) on 11/13/2017
5 out of 5 stars

H! I have been using oregano oil for 12 yrs. I'm currently using it for my allergies in my dog, over 5 yrs now and it still works, I tried all the others and they only partially worked for a short time.

I had some shin problems and cracked skin that would not heal for about 3 months, one time I rubbed oregano on my hands it has not come back that was 12 yrs ago .

I had a severe bug, not a common one but a very powerful one, 4 days taking oregano oil and it was gone and did not come back . Super Bug? Maybe.

I needed a root canal about 8 yrs ago, $1,200.00 was too much. I put oregano in the tooth off and on for about a month and it has not bothered me since, when ever I feel a tooth ache coming on I put oregano on it.

Had some serious lung pain about 5 yrs ago, I do have sensitive lungs due to smoking and bad air, Oregano works for that too, could I go on?

Yes I now use it every day and it keeps me going!

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