MMS for Digestive Issues


Steve Ballan (Detroil, MI USA) on 05/11/2009:
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MMS Pros and Cons:

Hello, I can see by reading these posts that people used to think like me 6 years ago -- after 6 years of herx reactions - yes, 6 years and maybe 50 herx reactions I finally figured out my elimination system is absolutely plugged with pathogens - I got on a homeopathic Detox Kit for liver, kidney and lymphatic and carry a water bottle with me 24-7 drinking 4 ounces of alkaline water with some greens and lemon juice. Now I am finally getting some headway with 3 drops of MMS per day. If my stomach is not better in 4-6 months will try mastic gum and manuka honey, and maybe nano colloidal silver. Good luck!

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