Cures from Lecithin: Depression, Detox & More!

Modified on Sep 18, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

Lecithin is a non-toxic fatty compound occurring naturally in animal and plant tissues. This organic health supplement can lower cholesterol levels, making it a natural alternative to prescription drugs and helping us to stay away from "statins" side effects. Lecithin effects can vary from person to person but there are numerous uses for lecithin: depression, anxiety, and even eczema.

Ted on Lecithin for Natural Detox
"An alternative to oil pulling is possible without use of Oil Pulling, which is Granulated Lecithin, which is a more effective form of oil pulling. Since Granulated lecithin is a fat emulsifier, it virtually pulls the oil out of the system by literally solubilizing it, and the fat is then excreted via the stool, as well as free heavy metals too, which are oil soluble because they are hydrophobic. Supplemental Lecithin should be taken at least 1 tablespoon a day. It is the literal method of oil pulling where the oil gets pulled from the body, instead of using the oil to pull out the toxins, while the body accumulates more vegetable oils."

On this page are several user submitted remedies and discussions of lecithin. Our readers' most popular use of lecithin is for the treatment of herpes, and Ted gives a fantastic overview of lecithin as a fat emulsifier (help your body break down fat in the diet). Let us know your experience using lecithin!

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List of Remedies for Lecithin