Fulvic Acid for Lucid Dreams

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Heather (Queensland Australia) on 07/13/2016:
0 out of 5 stars

I was interested to read of others new to fulvic acid having vivid dreams. The first night the nightmares were horrific, but have been getting calmer. I find this interesting. I am only up to 3 drops daily.

Also concerned that even after filtering my tap water may contain some chloride. Will maybe invest in a water tank.

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Shenica (Nj) on 02/04/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm so glad I found this post. I have been on Fulvic acid for about a week and I am also have cold symptoms and I'm experiencing very vivid dreams.

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Michael (Il) on 09/30/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I saw that u had vivid dreams I did too. But there is a reason for that. Many toxins limited our pineal glad our psychic gland. Flouride is put into everything and builds calcium in the pineal glad. When taking fulvic it pulls it out. Im not sure what other symptoms u had. But feeling like u have a cold is expected at first till ur body flushes all the toxins out.

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