Anxiety for 5-HTP

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Gail (Branson, Missouri) on 01/20/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My husband got the 5-HTP from reading about it in Ray and Terry's info... I can get grouchy, so I took some to see the effect. I took 100mg in the morning and I forgot about it as I was busy that day... Then later in the day when I was doing school work with my kids and my son didn't want to focus and was acting up, which usually upsets me, I felt calm and I noticed it... It was nice... I guess you could say it took the edge off of my irritation?? I had no side effects other than vivid dreams but not bad dreams... I think it depends on your brain chemistry and particular problems.

I know a friend who had severe depression for years who recently cured it with ACV and some slight diet changes, so go figure. My husband tends toward anxiety and he likes what it does for him, but he does not take it every day, more like every other. We have learned over the years often with anxiety/depression you need magnesium and homeopathic meds are often good for this or epsom salt baths.

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Harrier (Long Beach, CA) on 11/27/2005
5 out of 5 stars

I was recently diagnosed as having some mild anxiety was was given Zoloft. However the side effects were too great for me to continue. I have been trying L- Glutamine and 5 HTP for about a month and appear to find a leveling off or those problems. For me although it seems to have helped, the jury is still out and I'm not sure if this is helping or its me in the fact I only recently recognized it was a problem. I have read that 90% of the people who try natural alternatives for depression / anxiety return to prescriptions. That is very high. I only wish I recognized my problem earlier. The only people I see pushing the natural alternatives are people who have things to gain. There have been no real blind study on 5 HTP. I do not crave junk food or caffeine nearly as much. If that is a symptom of improvement, perhaps I'm getting there.