Enzyme Therapy

Modified on Feb 16, 2022

Enzymes, Our Bodies’ Catalysts

Certainly we have general knowledge of enzymes in modern society. We know that enzymes are involved in digesting our food and in fermenting beer. Anyone who is lactose intolerant can tell you the value of taking Lactase enzymes. And most of us know that the unique flavors and textures of different types of cheese don’t magically spring into being, but rather are the product of several carefully controlled cultures and enzymes. By definition, an enzyme is a molecular substance produced by a living organism that brings about a specific biochemical reaction.

Enzyme Therapy

If enzymes set off specific biochemical reactions in our bodies, can we use that knowledge to guide and support our health? That is the question behind much of the enzyme therapy marketing and research going on today. You may have heard about the recent publicity that a tree resin called Garcinia cambogia is receiving. That attention is the result of some major enzyme-based studies on whether Garcinia cambogia actually assists the body in synthesizing lipids. The results thus far have been positive, tested out to a duration of 12 weeks.

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    List of Remedies for Enzyme Therapy