Effect of Colloidal Gold on Cognitive Functions: A Pilot Study

Modified on Nov 19, 2022

Effect of Colloidal Metallic Gold on Cognitive Functions: A Pilot Study

Guy E. Abraham, MD; Souhaila A. McReynolds; Joel S. Dill, PhD
Optimox Corporation, Torrance, California


In order to evaluate the effect of colloidal metallic gold on cognitive functions, the revised Wechsler Intelligence scales battery of tests (WAIS-R) was administered to 5 subjects aged 15 to 45 years, before, after 4 weeks on colloidal gold at 30 mg/day and again 1 to 3 months off the gold preparation. The WAIS-R total scores (I.Q) were calculated by adding the sum of the verbal test scores to the sum of the performance scores.

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