Apple Cider Vinegar for Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Richard (Victoria, British Columbia) on 11/19/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Friends of my parents when I was a child had an apple cider press and they contiually extolled the virtues of acv. We always thought they were a little cooky but within the last few years, a costomer that shops at my store said he used Apple Cider Vinegar tablets for his back pain and I tried some and it worked. Ha Ha the cooky people had it right, the stuff is amazing, I have trained and run marathons and nothing helps bring down inflamation back legs hips like acv. Then just this morning we go to emerg with my wife having the most painful headache of her life and as the attendant was saying what actually causes the pain and said the she was administering an anti inflam, I considered Apple Cider Vinegar and oh what a surprise to find that I was right. She is still doped from the MANS narcotics but she, hating drugs and hearing the previous testimonials is willing to try acv. Thanks to all who posted, Richard Victoria Bc Canada