Earth Clinic Mobile: Home Remedies for People and Pets

Slippery Elm for Laryngitis

For many centuries, Native Americans have used Slippery Elm to relieve coughs and soothe sore throats. This amazing natural cure is produced from the inner bark of the Slippery Elm tree. It is so effective at soothing sore throats and reducing inflammation because the gummy-feeling bark contains mucilage and antioxidants. Slippery Elm is also useful for digestive and stomach issues as well as being extremely nourishing.

When used for laryngitis, Slippery Elm coats all of the mucus membranes. One contributor reported that she added 1 heaping teaspoon of slippery elm to yogurt twice a day (morning and evening) and it healed her laryngitis quickly.

Slippery elm powder can be made into tea or lozenges can be taken to relieve laryngitis. ...

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