Acne, Rash, Glowing Skin for Urine Therapy

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Mandandi (Gaborone, Bots) on 05/31/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I started using morning urine on my face 2 weeks ago after my cousin told me about it.

I applied it before and after bathing, and several times a day since I work from home.

I had some blackheads on my cheeks, and one on my forehead I have had sine I was a teenager that just wouldn't go away.

Now, its almost gone. I bet it will be gone in a week. I have to really move my forehead very close to the mirror to see it. Who knew urine could do that. Oh, the rash on my armpits and neck disappeared in one week.

My skin glows too. And its only the start. I want to see the results in a month, two or a full year on urine therapy. Great!