Turpentine Tips for Turpentine

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Jennie (LA) on 12/21/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I find that Turpentine is easier on the stomach if you don't take it first thing in the morning. But I would make sure you take it at least 5 hours after your meal otherwise you may end up getting severely nauseous and vomiting. This happened to me unfortunately.
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Daniel (California ) on 07/27/2017
5 out of 5 stars

YOUR PAIN IS CALLED DETOX PAIN /HERXHIEMER EFFECT.. caused by rapid detoxing what to do...this ....>> cut your amount in half ..if the pain persists then do it 1 day 1 day off till the pain stops then increase dosage to every day...if pain comes back reduce dosage again till the detox pain goes away...then n gradually increase dosage you will be ok...if you have to stop the dosage for a few days..I had the same thing then as the detox progressed and removed the toxins the pain decreased till it vanished
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John (Hudson N.h.) on 08/17/2016
5 out of 5 stars

If I am not mistaken, Jennifer Daniels said to drink 32 oz. of water per 60 pounds of body weight PRIOR to taking the turpentine.
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Timh (Ky) on 07/22/2015
5 out of 5 stars

C: Turpentine is a powerful parasite & pathogen killer so folks that have a high number of these critters will experience "die-off" or "Herx reaction" as the toxins released from the dying bad bugs. This in turn can cause leaky gut syndrome or dirty colon.

To remedy this it would help by taking Activated Charcoal or Bentonite Clay prior to meals to capture the waste. One spoon of Milled Flax Seed with breakfast (goes good with cereal or fruit smoothies etc) will clean the colon. Aloe Vera compliments the MFS very well.

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Bill (San Fernado, Philippines) on 01/05/2014
5 out of 5 stars

My own way is to put one teaspoon of honey or molasses in my mouth, then put the turpentine dose (usually one teaspoon for me) in my mouth next. Then I hold it in my mouth and mix it with my saliva and then I swallow this mix and just chase it down with some water.

If you've never taken turpentine like this before, then you should start with just a 1/4 tspn of turps, with increasing drop dosages over about a week until you are taking one teaspoon. If at any time while taking this protocol you have a Herx or die off reaction or if you feel woozy, drowsy or lethargic -- then take a day off the next day and resume, at a lesser dose, thereafter.

Walter Last also seems to prefer taking the turps or kerosene with a teaspoon of castor oil. The castor oil is a useful idea because it also kills candida and beneficially tends to gently accelerate excretion -- thus removing toxins more quickly from the body. Coconut oil or olive oil can also be taken as the carrier with the turps remedy as well.