Dosage for Turpentine

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Denise (Chehalis, Wa) on 03/05/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Don't use Klean-Strip. Check your local art supply store to find pure turpentine. It is more expensive but higher quality and taste pretty good with sugar. I use the brand GRUMBACHER. 1 teaspoon turpentine mixed with 1 teaspoon sugar. When taken right before meals, the turpentine is pushed down in to your small intestines by your food. If taken on an empty stomach the turpentine goes straight into your bloodstream which is okay for blood born diseases but does not do much for Candida issues.
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Bill (San Fernando) on 03/11/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Lisa...In older times and in the satellite countries of Europe and in Germany, they would take turpentine/kerosene for 6 weeks a year for general health. Paula Ganner always maintained that kerosene was a blood purifier -- it would act to kill any pathogen in the blood. Dr J Daniels uses sugar + 1 tspn turps for candida problems. But I prefer castor oil + turps because the castor oil both restricts the absorption of turps into the blood and keeps it in the intestines to kill candda there. The castor oil also helps to spread the turps throughout the intestines with its laxative action. Later on you could perhaps switch to the turps + sugar or turps + molasses protocols to more efficiently kill the candida and other pathogens that are still in the blood.

The preventative dose is on a one day on and one day off basis and is meant to help those who have massive initial Herx die-off reactions by having a day off after you take the turps-- this makes for a gentler ride for the user when you initially kill all that candida.

If you want to take consecutive turps doses for a particular problem then I would take turps for five days and then have two days off turps and do it like this for about 6 weeks only. This protocol will help to get rid of most pathogens and parasites from your body.

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Beth (Ga, US) on 10/26/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Dr. Jennifer Daniels says to put 1/3 to 1tsp on sugar cubes as to bait the fungus, yeast, parasites. Look her up on the web. She has a lot of radio show recordings you can listen to on her site. I think it's called vitalitycapsuls. Com
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