Candida for Turpentine

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Anna W. (Yosemite) on 12/02/2018
4 out of 5 stars


I began assembling Bill Thompson's Anti Candida protocols in Aug of this year, and approached it very cautiously. I have had Candida since infancy and am so awed and impressed by Bill's cogent and practical approach to addressing the problem.

I have been adding his remedies slowly, and am able to tolerate 70% of his suggested remedies about 3-4 days a week, on average.

When I first began taking turpentine in September, I had a severe reaction to just one drop (albeit on an empty stomach in VCO). Headache, brain-fog, exhaustion were the main issues.

I only took it once, but the side effects lasted for 10 days, and then I discovered that I had a serious bone infection around implants and needed surgery which I underwent, complete with a course of antibiotics - which surprisingly, did eliminate the worst of the infection.

However, I am very concerned about the infection returning, so I read a post somewhere that turpentine was effective in getting rid of the need for a root canal, so I began oil pulling with VCO and 1 drop of DMSO and 1 drop of turpentine this week. It feels like the infected area in my mouth and jaw are fizzing - in a good way. I followed up on the oil pulling with a DMSO/Turp 1:1 drop mouth wash and as long as I drink 2-4 liters of water a day, I can live with the slight headache and discomfort. I am also alkalizing 3 times a day - 1/4 tsp basking soda with 6-8 drops of iodine in a half a glass of water.

So, in sum, yes, awful side effects when I started, but with the increased supplements, Milk Thistle and Iodine, I seem to be tolerating the turpentine better now - and the effects are awesome. I am so grateful to Earth Clinic and all who share on here.

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Kit Campbell (Australia) on 05/01/2015
4 out of 5 stars

Had Crohn's disease for 40+ years and cancer four times - 'cured' myself of the last bout.

Candida is the culprit :)

Turpentine works on the cell wall of the candida fungus, because it is a terpenoid. There are others that exist too, which I am currently trialing.

Key point, you need to address ALL areas of your environment, not just what you take systemically and atopically. Your mind will determine what chemicals and hormones are being created by the brain.

Balance can be restored, I am proof, although I am still getting there :)

Think well, live well and be well - all these environments need to be addressed in order to get back to homeostasis :)

All the best for your journeys, for this is what they simply are :)


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