Travel Remedies: Natural First Aid for Travel Ailments

Modified on Jan 25, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

Travel for work? Hitting the road soon for business or pleasure? Take a look at Earth Clinic's suggestions for how to stay naturally healthy while on the road!

When you travel, your body is under more stress than usual due to the travel itself but also due to new pathogens in an unusual environment. Your water might not be safe from viruses or bacteria. Your food may be in a style your digestive system is unaccustomed to and unprepared to digest easily. And if you are traveling on public transportation of any kind, you will be contained in an area where airborne viruses continually recirculate, increasing your exposure to illness-creating critters.

Having a trustworthy way to treat water for pathogens and a natural remedy for food sickness can be essential, especially when traveling abroad. Natural immune boosters are a good idea as well. Good habits and natural options to kill germs that you pick up through contact can serve you particularly well to protect your health.

What are your essential travel remedies? Send us your tips for safe and healthy travel!

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List of Remedies for Travel Remedies