Health Benefits of Transcendental Meditation

Modified on Jul 16, 2015

Most of us today experience some form of stress almost daily, a condition that has intensely negative effects on our health without us even realizing it. But, transcendental meditation is not just a practice that will help you reduce stress. In reality, transcendental meditation helps you develop inner peace and wellness and can actually help you treat a wide range of specific health conditions. Transcendental meditation promotes general wellness but also helps manage such conditions as hypertension, depression, and insomnia.

What Is Transcendental Meditation?

Transcendental meditation, or TM, is a natural technique for health and wellness. The practice is applied 20 minutes in two different sessions each day. During transcendental meditation, you simply sit comfortably with your eyes closed so that you can establish an inward settling effect. This settling enables you to develop an enhanced self-awareness and to control your thoughts to promote better health and general wellness.

What Are the Health Benefits of Transcendental Meditation?

The Cleveland Clinic states that transcendental meditation isn’t focused on simply breathing or changing, but helps individuals establish a restful state of mind – a benefit that has been found to alleviate stress and reduce blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and anger. Other research has been done that supports TM as an effective practice for general wellness.

Speaking more specifically, daily practice of TM helps individuals maintain a greater level of calm throughout the day. It is also beneficial for reducing cortisol, leveling blood pressure levels, improving sleep quality, lowering your risk of heart disease, improving learning ability and memory, and controlling depression. Additional research shows that transcendental meditation can increase your energy levels, improve your focus, improve your productivity and creativity, and help you lose weight. The practice is even beneficial for strengthening relationships, according to the David Lynch Foundation.

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