Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss, Top Foods

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Carolynne (Cordova, Tennessee) on 06/24/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have been drinking apple cider vinegar for about six years. What I noticed right away was I don't have any of joint stiffness and pain. When I stop using it for more than 4 days, the pain returns to my back and neck. I also noticed that my weight is always perfect for my height 5'6", 127 pounds, 54 years old. The vinegar removes the excess salt from your body when you sleep, so no bags under the eyes when you wake up in the morning. I drink two tablespoons of acv with 16 ounces of water, two hours before bed, it removes toxins in your body while sleeping, so no swelling in the joints, no bags under the eyes from excess salt. It is a natural weight loss, as well as rotor-rooters the arteries, so good for your heart. also keeps your body from getting sick. I love it! Carolynne
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Trisha (Chase, Mi) on 07/05/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have been struggling with my weight for a long time. I became hypothyroid after the birth of my second son. My weight skyrocketed up to 260 on my 5ft 10 inch frame. I was getting joint pain, back pain, no energy, irritable bowels, I began eating more whole grains,vegetables, took multivitamins, ate natural yogurt each day, exercised every day..nothing worked. then I read this book written by a doctor from vermont in like 1958 about apple cider vinegar. Sounded weird but I have tried weirder stuff so I began drinking a teaspoon of it in a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey. That was one month ago. My weight is 239. thats 20 pounds in a month. oh, I am 38 years old.
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Esther (Greenwich) on 08/10/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking apple cider vinegar for the past month to lose weight. It's working and I feel awesome. I take a teaspoon of ac vinegar in hot water with lemon when I wake up, then a tablespoon of it in my sports water bottle, which I sip all day. I have lost 4 pounds so far.
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Janet (Ca) on 11/02/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have hypothyroidism and for years I fought to lose weight. I tried every diet out there, exercised everyday for 2-3 hours a day. I would lose 5-20 lbs and gain it all back, plus some. I finally saw a dietitian and found out I was doing it all wrong. She explained that people with thyroid issues, can't digest food fast enough, if large volumes of food are eaten. So I was put on a six mini meal a day plan. I was also told no more than thirty minutes of cardio. I did this and very slowly the weight was coming off. I wanted quicker results and saw an article about ACV, baking soda, and lemon. I have hypertension and opted out on baking soda.

I started drinking 2 TBSP of ACV in 4 ounces of water, three times a day. Immediately the pounds started melting away faster with the program I was on. I went from 259 lbs down to 197 lbs in six months. Even my blood pressure dropped to normal, my cholesterol levels were normal, and the inflammation in my joints were gone. If not for weight it for your health. It's worth it!!

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