Tomato Tea User Reviews

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Angela (Warwick, Ny ) on 09/16/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

After being out of work for a week with intense congestion and sinus pressure, this seems to be helping. Doc had me on Augmentin for sinus infection - taking it for 4 days now with no relief. After some people suggested it could be allergies, I looked around and found this. I don't have the lemon or garlic. It's V-8 and Tabasco sauce, heated, and in 10 minutes I've been more clear than in the last 3 days! Thank you! (PS-how long does the clearing last for??)
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Susie (Houston, Texas) on 09/04/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I am 27 weeks pregnant and I've had a cold for over a week. I have also been extremely congested. And I've had some horrible sinus headaches for the first time. I've taken everything over the counter that a pregnant woman can take with no relief. I made the tea 15minutes ago and I feel like someone took a vacuum cleaner and drained out my sinuses. Problem was I dislike garlic and it causes me acid reflux so towards the end of the drink I swallowed a big chunk of chopped garlic and almost threw up. I ran to drink water and chew a tums to hold down the tea and quit burping. I was successful and it looks like I might be able to sleep tonight :)!
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Susan (Phoenix, Az) on 08/29/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Once again this site has saved me! Apple cider vinegar got rid of my hot flashes 3 years ago and now this recipe has allowed me to breathe again! I work with kids and every year when school starts they give me some kind of cold.

I used: V8, garlic, lemon juice & cayenne. Worked in about 20 minutes!

JeannieW...thank you so much for sharing! EarthClinic... Thank you so much for existing! :-D

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Edward (Smithville, Mo, Usa) on 08/14/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been dealing with sinus problems for around 6 or 7 weeks. I had a tooth pulled and it upset my sinuses. It pretty much ruined my Summer as I was always miserable due to the sinus pressure and other side effects (I started thinking every little ache and pain was a new part of the sinus pressure and that I had something very serious). I had gone to the doctor twice for it, the first time I was prescribed Augmentin and a refill of it. I took it and was almost feeling better but hadn't gotten completely better. He then changed his diagnosis to "allergies", though didn't check what I was allergic to nor referred me to an allergist. Honestly, I'm still unsure if it is or isn't allergies. I took the allergy medicine for a few days but it didn't do much good in making the symptoms go away or preventing them from getting worse.

I hit a point where I was getting flat out miserable. I started losing a lot of sleep (probably had about 9 or 10 nights where I didn't sleep more than a couple of hours). It hit the point I even discussed it with my parents and had a nervous breakdown. I thought it would go away after a few days, but at this point it had lasted from the end of June right up to the beginning of school (which starts tomorrow as I type this). It made me so mad that I had wasted the whole Summer feeling this way, and my doctor seemed completely clueless as to what was up. We (me and my parents) decided I needed to cut out the medicine for now to see if my body could kick the disease. As well, we cleaned up my room quite a bit and put the de-humidifier in there to clean the air (we have had mold, but its been there awhile plus nobody else has symptoms from it). I was still having trouble sleeping though due to the symptoms of the sinus pressure in my head. It sucked because all it was was pressure moving between my head and chest. No sore throat, no coughing problems... just pressure, clear mucus, and a stuffy nose.

I hit a point after a couple of nights where I felt I was close to kicking the disease, BUT I had been here before and it would come back with a vengeance. I decided to look online to see if there was anything that could possibly finish the job. I saw the recipe here for the tomato tea and decided it was worth a shot.

Now, let me say that I am no cooking pro and know very little about herbal/natural remedies. I've stuck to my medicines pretty close (as needed, of course), so I had my reservations both in the effectiveness of the "tea" and if I could make it correctly.

I took a large dose of it yesterday and noticed my chest started clearing up as I drank it. But my head didn't feel much better right away, so I thought maybe that was as far as it would go. I drank it earlier in the day so I wouldn't have the "wake up and feel better" thing. I was hoping maybe it would make me feel better by the end of the day.

However, I went to bed still feeling a good amount of pressure in my head, ready to give this a review of "better, but not cured". I went to bed early so I ended up waking up early too. I was amazed that for the first couple of hours, my head felt so much better I honestly thought the pressure was gone. I walked around a bit and found there was a little bit left but it was MUCH more bearable. I even was able to go back to sleep with the pressure in my head (which had been a MAJOR problem during the six weeks). I have had another smaller mug since then and it helped even more since then. I anticipate I ought to be over this soon. Maybe the sinuses will kick up later and maybe I do have allergies, but now I can focus on my senior year of college and be ready to kick this semester's butt with full focus on work and not stressing about sinuses or having trouble sleeping.

I SO wish I had thought of this beforehand. It would have saved me (and my family) a lot of stress, but ya can't cry over spilt milk as they say. Thank you so much.

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Fanny (College Park, Md, Usa) on 08/07/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Just gave it to boyfriend 5 minutes ago for sinus congestion, and there is air coming out of his nose!! I didn't have tomato juice at hand, but had a bottle of Bloody Mary mix - just added the garlic, lemon juice and the hot sauce and presto!! Thanks for saving me a trip to the pharmacy.
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Happy Breather :d (Portland, Or Usa) on 07/30/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you soooooo much! I wasn't sure about if it was going to work because I was trying to decongest my nasal passage all day long! I couldn't taste anything or breath! So, I decided to try it, nothing to lose. The amazing thing is that my nasal started clearing while I was boiling the ingredients, and now it's super clear just after the first few spoons! YUM!!!! :D
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Vijay (Dalian, Liaoning, China) on 06/22/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks a lot for this recipe. I feel better with my congested nose after drinking a cup of tomato tea. :) amazing. gonna recommend my friends also.
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Niki (Poquoson, Va) on 06/19/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

This tea started to work instantly for me. I used V8 juice instead of tomato juice. Within minutes my nose startes to drain and I could breath again.
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Rachel (Nashville, Tn) on 06/05/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

Better but not cured, keep taking!

Being very big into natural medicine, I wanted the tea to save my very bad cold. Mostly I have had severe sinus clogging and pain in the front of my head, as well constant dripping from my nasal passage and streaming puffy eyes. In desperate attempt to be better fast, I'm on my 4th glass in two days. The sickness is definetly moving a lot quicker, I feel like I may be able to kick it in 3-4 days as opposed to 8-10. I've also been alternating it with ACV and honey, Eucalyptus oil on feet and under nose, salt water Neti through nose and salt water gargle, kelp and vit cleanse every morning. I surely feel like this is a great solution to combatting, and my cold was very very bad! It's moving quickly now, and all ready on it's way out after two days! I would say keep taking it, like medicine, at least twice-three times a day to max. Results. I tweaked the recipe a little by using:

Can of Crushed organic tomato mixed with purified water

6 large cloves of galic (Yes)

juice of 1/2 lemon

Sriracha, as much as you can possibly handle

4 shakes of cayenne pepper

pinch of salt and basil to taste

I also chased it with water : ) and made sure I had a little bit of food in my stomach. Hope this helps!

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Bolo (Portland, Or) on 05/18/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I found Jean's recipe at 3AM. I did not have all the ingredients so I substituted as needed: 1/3 cup of ketchup, 1 tbsp of hot sauce, 1 small lime-squeased, 1 tbsp of minced garlic, pinch of celery salt, and the rest of the cup filled with water. By 3:10AM I was able to breath better, I am getting some sinus drainage, and the sinus pain has started to subside. Thanks Jean and all others for your comments!
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