Soy Feedback for Soy

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Showing Side Effects Reviews

Christina (Queensland) on 01/12/2014
0 out of 5 stars

I drank soy milk for 25 years because I was lactose intolerant and was led to believe it was a good source of calcium. In actual fact it clogged up my digestive system and unbeknownst to me I wasn't ingesting any of the nutrients I was eating. I had a bone density test done 12 months ago and I have lost 20% of my bone. I would not recommend soy milk to any one. Research any thing new before you try it, from an outside source Google is an endless supply of truth on anything you want to find out about. No soy No way.
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Bob (Moscow, Pa.) on 06/13/2009
0 out of 5 stars

I am very allergic to soy. If I consume any it causes my heart to race. Until a chiropractor had me check my pulse with each food I put in my mouth, my life was very uncomfortable. any food that affected me negatively would immediately cause my pulse to jump 15 or more points.

Rosa (Phoenix, AZ) on 05/12/2009
0 out of 5 stars

Regarding the "NAY" on soy products, I would like to suggest that most adverse effects are due to allergic reaction. Over a 6 month period I took in large portions of Soy products from Milk to Edamame all in the name of good health. I too experienced irregular heartbeat, hair loss on my head, but more facial hair growth, extreme bloating, a bulge in my throat and my fingernails became brittle and had lumps. For an otherwise healthy, late 20's female, I was in shock at the changes to my body. I began to do some research on the symptoms and found that indeed these changes could be a result of the effects of soy on the thyroid. I immediately ceased my use of the products. After one year, I felt I had returned to "normal". It was then another year, after some allergy tests, that I was advised to refrain from eating anything containing soy products.

For those living in the far east, I believe a combination of the Asian diet along with the local production of soy is what allows for their tolerance of this substance.


Jeanine (Traverse City, Michigan) on 03/01/2009
0 out of 5 stars

hi, just wanted to share my story which developed a year ago. i went to fla for the winter to help my aunt and uncle . they eat tons of soy products and i began to eat with them. after two months my heart began to race , my skin became dry, i was constipated for the first time in my life, my hair stated to fall out, i felt like i had a lump in my throat and i had to cough every once in a while to clear it and i had pain in my neck area off and on all the time. in the summer i return to michigan because my father was ill. i went through two months of racing heart beats one day the next day feeling like a mack truck ran me over and than about a week later my heart would skip beats for 48 hours. i would feel better for a few days and than another attack of racing heart beats....etc.. this went on back and forth. when my heart was racing i felt hyper my basal temperature was 98.6. on the days my heart was skipping beats my basal temperature was 97 and i could not get warm. i became very scared and went to a doctor because i thought i had heart problems. i had a blood test done everything was normal but it showed i had both antibodies and the doctor diagnosed me with hashimoto's and said i should begin thyroid immediately. i told her i was going to try alternative first. i asked her what would happen on the days my immune system attack my thyroid if on that morning i also took thyroid med. i pictured my heart exploding. she couldn't answer that so i waited and began my own research.

first i stopped all soy products. i had to be real careful with this because i quickly realized that to ingest even a little soy that may be hidden in bread etc gave me a violent reaction.i began to read labels very carefully. by the way our food is invaded by soy. after stopping soy my thyroglobulin ab antibody became normal in two months and is stiil normal 8 months later. i decided to stopped eating all foods that decrease thyroid production know as goitrogens , to go on a gluten free diet and i also stopped dairy products because of the caseins. every day i take selenium, and because i drank reverse osmosis water all my life and wanted to get more minerals i bought a water filter from aquasana that does not remove the minerals. i had questioned hauling and storing the reverse osmosis water in plastic containers that i was filling at the heath food store. pcbs can leach into the water and pcbs damage the thyroid gland. i got rid of all my plastic containers in my house and replaced then with healthy glass containers.i also made sure i got 150 mcg of iodine a day and if i took more than that i felt heper that day. i don't have heart racing but it made me nervous, so i am careful with the iodine. i know people in japan get about 12.5 mg iodine a day .... but think about this...... hashimoto's disease was discovered in japan and japanese people eat lots of goitrogens in their diet including soy which cause the thyroid not to absorb iodine so that is why they can get away with the amount of iodine they get from eating lots of seaweed.

in any case when i stopped all goitrogens and began iodine the pain in my neck area completely stopped within 24 hours and has not returned.i had also began to feel pain in my breast which also disappeared. i felt great on 150/mcg a day. during this transition since i made all these changes my test results are all normal except my tpo ab is still a little high but every two months it drops 20 points. it was 141 and now it is 120. i am sure it will continue to drop until it is normal. i am feeling sooo much better. my basal temperature is 98.2 every morning.

finally after 10 months of this whole progress and changes i found an alternative healer in my area. he was amazed by my progress and the decisions i had taken. he suggested i add a homeopathic remedy called thyroidinum 30x 2 pills 3 times a day. i am doing this and really feel i am almost 100% healed. when i think back to those times my heart was acting up so badly i know my metabolism was really in bad shape. i feel the major cause was the soy. it turns out i am allergic to soy, but even so 1/4 cup of soy milk will cause the thyroid in an non-allergic individual to work 50% less for 24 hours. i also think if you eat a goteiren type food on those days and maybe a few days afterwards it would be wise to increase iodine but than go back to a standard dosage. every night before i retire i take 1/2 teaspoon of magnesium citrate in a glass of water this heals me sleep like a baby. i hope my experience can help someone out there. if you want more information on any change i made in my diet just go on line and and thyroid ,gluten etc.... this is a great sight to read all about it as well.

god bless you all .....jeanine.


Rajesh (Port-of -Spain, Trinidad) on 02/25/2009
0 out of 5 stars

Dangerous side effects of soy products: I have been a Vegetarian for twenty years and using soy products for the same time period, i had high thyroid flow which lead to Pancreatic complications which i almost died from. Also low sperm count is a reality, I have definately stopped the use of all soy products..