Multiple Ailments Treated for Cold Shower Therapy

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Daniel (Blackwood, Nj) on 12/28/2009
5 out of 5 stars

So I started taking cold showers about a week ago and I've already noticed a few effects.

First, I have much more energy which is helpful in my day to day life.

On top of that, I've had problems with a sore stomach that I've been trying to heal with limited success for awhile now and within a week it feels so much better now I can hardly believe how well and how fast its working.

I also have noticed that my digestive complaints have much improved, I've had intestinal inflammation which has been helped with exercise to a degree but after taking cold showers its seemed to disappear and my evacuations are quick easy and complete.

I've also developed minor food intolerance's over the past few years and almost immediately they decreased considerably I hope with time they will go away completely. I've also had great luck with an almost complete reduction in muscle soreness after my workouts by taking a cold shower right after I'm done.

Overall after the first week I have to say I'm hooked and I can't wait to see what other benefits I gain from this. As for why it works I cant say completely but I'm going to assume at least for my stomach and intestinal issues it was from the increased amount of blood that made its way into my organs which facilitated healing. As for the other things who knows but I know its doing something!

REPLY   9      

Mike Creauxwave (Cincinnati, ID) on 09/08/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I took a cold shower before breakfast (on an empty stomach) and it instantly cured my loose stools.

Moreover, it cured my loosened headaches and nausea forever. Drowsiness, acne, orange, stiff joints, loose and stiff stools, sore throats, fevers, stress, tired blood, haunted. I have also been losing weight at an alarming rate. Gout.

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Aron (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) on 09/02/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking cold showers about five weeks ago. I started with Scottish showers (hot/cold) and then after a couple of days I tried the cold ones. I just love them: it gives me enough energy to last throughout the day and my overall mood has improved. Now my daily routine includes a Scottish shower in the morning and a cold one before I go to sleep. Usually it takes no more than 10 minutes to shower. I start from the feet, arms, armpits and then the chest. In the beginning I expected to catch a cold, which didn't happen (good thing), although I sneeze a lot more (bad thing). I've discovered that I have less BO and I am cleaner after showering, although I don't use soap or duche gel.

Also, for the ones who want to try it: take it easy; go from hot to lukewarm, and then gradually go to cold. Try it for 3 weeks and then decide if you don't like them. Try it.

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Quin (Toronto, Canada) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

First of all, thanks to all folk's feedback. After I read all articles, I have started taking cold shower for almost six months. My health is getting much better each day. It really works. My allergies & headaches are gone. The temp that I take in the winter is 8 C & 12 C in the summer. Normally, I shower cold water to front & back for two minutes, before I get out of the bath room. I hope my experience can help.

Best wishes to all of you.

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Danny (Mooresville, Indiana) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking cold showers for several years. I started taking them when I would shave in the shower with very hot water and then I would get too hot that I would turn the water completely cold and leave it on for the remainder of my shower. I find that it takes my headaches away and gives me more energy. When I go to hot climates like Florida I find it disappointing to take a shower because they don't have very cold water. I never knew there were any benefits to it until now, but if you try it you will find that you get used to it very quickly. Try it -- you won't be sorry!