Mood Enhancer for Cold Shower Therapy

5 star (12) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Phil (Calgary, Alberta) on 08/24/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I was reading all the wonderful things about cold showers so I had to try it. It isn't the greatest feeling in the world at all, especially living in not-so-hot climate. Once you get out of the shower, you feel like you have unlimited energy and feel absolutely great. I actually had a hangover today, took a cold shower and felt a lot better after and my head ache was gone also and I'm at work feeling great.
REPLY   2      

Jeremy F (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) on 02/21/2006
5 out of 5 stars

My friend Calvin told me about cold showers a few weeks ago. I thought "out of his mind!!!" Though as the weeks progressed he kept exclaiming how great they are, so today I tried a cold shower. Cold showers are totally awesome. The best part is when the body adjusts to the temperature of the cold water and once that happens, it's a totally enjoyable experience. Once you finish the cold shower, no matter how cold the bathroom is, you will forever appreciate the temperature of the room. It's the warm tingly feeling of your body adjusting to the room's temperature, which also feels good too! After having a hot shower, the bathroom always feels so cold, now it's the opposite and it totally rocks!
REPLY   1      

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