Lethargy for Cold Shower Therapy

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Sarah (Nottingham, Uk) on 10/10/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I was introduced to cold showers by a forceful boyfriend who absolutely insisted that they'd be good for me. I was suffering from a lack of energy and couldn't motivate myself to do anything, with the result that my studies were suffering badly. At first I was very reluctant to stand under cold water for 15 minutes and he more or less had to hold me under the shower. I'm so glad he did. I now have more energy, more motivation, my skin and hair glow, and my apetite has reduced with the added benefit that I'm now 10lb lighter.

I normally take one cold shower when I wake up (washing my hair as well as my body) and then a second cold shower (without washing my hair) before I go to bed. I know haven't had a hot/warm shower for over four years.