Sesame Seed Health Benefits

Modified on Mar 31, 2021

Sesame seeds are among the first oil seeds known to humankind. While their utilization began in traditional cooking, their use today has expanded into the world of medicine. With nutritional, preventative, and therapeutic properties, sesame seeds are an excellent nutrient source and health remedy.

What are Sesame Seeds?

Sesame seeds are derived from the sesame plant. This plant is a tall annual herb from the Pedaliaceae family, which grows throughout Asia in Burma, China, and India as well as in Nigeria, Sudan and Ethiopia. Scientifically known as sesamum indicum, the plant requires a well-drained sandy soil and tropical environment to thrive.

The seeds are found within the pods on the trees pink-white flowers. Sesame seeds come in different variations and may be white, brown, or black in color. Sesame seeds generally deliver a rich, nutty flavor and have a high oil content.

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    List of Remedies for Sesame Seeds