Intestinal Cleansing for Sea Salt

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Dot (Sydney, Australia) on 09/12/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I have tried the sea salt flush for long-standing constipation and it has always worked as long as I take 2 teaspoons of salt with 4 glasses tepid water. I have tried adding a large glass of probiotic mixture grown overnight from capsules and a little xylitol and filtered water. I take this about 10 minutes after the salt water. It seems to be resetting my bowels so they are working so far, but it has only been a week. I tried it again today. I just figured the probiotic could flush through too and be more thorough if it didn't need to go through the digestive process. I have raynauds and autoimmune Sjogrens, so I would like to clean up the bowel to see if that works.
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Katherine (London, Uk) on 08/20/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Sea salt intestinal cleanse

I used 1 quart filtered water. I boiled it for 10 minutes with 5 teaspoons of pure unrefined sea salt. An hour or two later I headed to the washroom this flushed me out completely and I highly recommend it for clearer skin, mind, clean bowels and more energy.

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Susan (Dublin, Ireland) on 08/13/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Sea Salt for Intestinal Cleansing

Hi, I have recently tried a sea salt flush. the first time I took it was in the evening, after I had eaten a light supper. I had a bowel movement, but nothing serious. Then I repeated it in the morning on an empty stomach with te same results. Both times I used 1 tablespoon of sea salt and a litre of water.

The next morning upon rising, I mixed two tablespoons of sea salt in warm water and added the juice of half a lemon. App. 60 - 90 minutes later it was working like a charm.

I read that if it doesn't work, you may need to use more sea salt. Make sure you drink plently of plain water as well, to keep yourself hydrated. I was extremely thirsty after drinking 2 tablespoons in the warm water.

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Lynn (York, PA) on 01/01/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I tried the sea salt flush, 32 ounces warm water, two teaspoons uniodized sea salt (I added a dash of lime juice and baking soda) this morning and it is very effective. It's challenging to drink that much water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, but it is worth the effort. Will take acidophilus later today with garlic to keep digestive track healthy. Took the day off from work (you probably won't want to go anywhere else, either). Wondering if anyone has tried colon hydrotherapy and the side effects they experienced -- it's pretty expensive and not covered by insurance. Will most likely keep using this remedy as a mini detox about 2-3 times a month on the weekends. Other remedies make work well, but can cause problems when working full time and can't go to the bathroom several times a day.
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Wayne (Longmont, Colorado) on 09/19/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Resounding YA, Finishing my 4th day of a water fast and became a little worried not having a single BM since the fast began. Cruising the web and came across Sea Salt as a laxative and descided to give it a try. I can tell you it worked for me ! It took about an hour as predicted - awesome! I didn't measure properly and pretty sure I added too much salt - i felt the need and drank another liter of water soon after. Next time I will get the spoon out - and I WILL use this cleanse again. I can continue with the fast now with a clearer mind (and bowel). Hopefully I'll make it the full 10 days, feel good so far. DO stay close to the bathroom.
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Jaja (Dayton, Ohio) on 03/24/2007
5 out of 5 stars

i discovered sea salt while trying to do the master cleanse. i could only do the cleanse for 2 days because of bad headache. So i decided to just do the sea salt. i seen a reduction in my stomach. i like the sea salt because because it works quickly, unlike a laxative. i informed several people about it and they love it. they also quit taking the fiber colon cleansers. Because the sea salt removes good bacteria, it is a good idea to eat yogurt afterwards to replace the good bacteria.
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Krystal (Memphis, TN) on 01/11/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I have been going through a healthy lifestyle change for sometimes now. I've eliminated some things from my diet and added healthier things. While on this transition I decided I wanted an, and tried to find a simpler more cost effective way to do it. I came across a website for a salt water flush. I add 2 teaspoons of un-iodized sea salt to 1 quart of warm water (you can add a little lemon juice to mask the taste) and immediately drank the whole quart. Not to much longer after I finished the quart of water, I was headed to the bathroom. It cleansed me out thoroughly. I don't want to get graphic, but it did the job so good, it was scary. So if you need a good cleanse try it. I would like to advise you that If you have high blood pressure and cannot use salt, talk with your doctor before doing it, but It worked GREAT!