Gua Sha -- Ancient Healing from Body Scraping

Modified on Feb 16, 2024

Similar to the other forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) including acupuncture and acupressure, scraping is a form of healing that uses pressure and circulation to eliminate infection and disease. The therapy has been used in China for over a thousand years and is traditionally called guasha. As the treatment functions to promote circulation, eliminate infection, and cleanse the bad blood, scraping can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions.

What is Scraping?

Scraping or guasha is literally a form of scraping away pain. The Chinese translation actually means, “to scrape away fever.” The practice is founded on the idea that many sicknesses are caused by issues on the exterior of the body that have an effect on the immune system. For example, a cold is a condition of the immune system that causes such symptoms as neck aches, headache, and runny nose. Likewise, muscle soreness and injury are caused by problems with blood flow.

This traditional medicinal practice utilizes a spoon or other guasha tool. The tool is repeatedly rubbed or scraped over the skin in the affected area. The process increases blood flow to the area and facilitates the release of the bad blood or infection. The practice causes red splotches or petechia, known traditionally as sha, to form on the skin, which is taken as a sign that the wastes in the tissue are being released.

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