Hormonal Changes, Hot Flashes for Psyllium

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Holly (Cleveland, Oh) on 09/24/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered from terrible food sensitivities which manifest as acne all over my face since I was in my 20's. When menopause hit five years ago, I developed devasting hot flashes, as well. I have tried everything for the acne and the hot flashes. I did realize that phytoestrogens (often promoted for hot flashes) where making my hot flashes worse and caused extreme breakouts and boils on my face. To make a long story short, after trying EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING plus buying an infrared sauna ($$$$), I added some psyllium to my routine because I had started milk thistle to attempt to clean my liver. After one or two doses of the psyllium, I noticed my skin feeling better and my hot flashes decreasing. I actually didn't know it was the psyllium at first, but deducted that it was the only completely new thing I had added (I had used milk thistle before which never helped that much and actually is a phytoestrogen itself). So, I started to experiment with the psyllium husk by adding it to my diet slowly but surely. My skin has not looked this good since I was probably 10 years old (I am 50). My allergies are decreasing and my hot flashes are almost non-existent. I have eaten very healthy for the past 25 years, never seeing a benefit to my skin even when I made/grew my own sprouts, kefir, kombucha, juices, etc. The psyllium is like a true miracle. My stomach began to bloat a bit as I have been in menopause (I just attributed it to that and getting older) but I am starting to see it flatten again. It has only been about 5 days, but I have never seen such a change in my system and my health issues. I have heard that fecal matter that is encrusted in your colon can prevent foods/vitamins etc. from being absorbed into your body and that the psyllium can scrub it away. I would get acne from every supplement, vitamin and food I ate (even vitamin D and C made me have eczema like skin eruptions), and I believe it was because my bowels have not been able to absorb them so they acted as toxins and came out through my skin. I believe psyllium may be the greatest health food that exists. I have spent years of my life looking for a cure and thousands and thousands of dollars. Psyllium seems to possibly be the answer to my problems and I hope others will take note, as it may be a simple cure for all our bodies.
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