Natural Onion Health Benefits and Home Cures

Modified on Mar 11, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

In addition to being our best home remedy to relieve severe vomiting, onions are revered as a natural cure for a wide variety of disorders and as a general antibiotic that can back up the body's own immune system.

The onion, like all members of the allium family, is rich in sulfur. That sulfur content can lend the onion antibiotic and antiseptic qualities that are often put to good use by the naturopath or home remedy practitioner for both internal and external use. For centuries, onions have been touted as the one thing that might be able to kill a flu infection, and many families have passed that remedy through the generations!

Natural Cures: In particular, onions are recommended for respiratory conditions, including coughs and colds. Taken raw it can be a good expectorant. Onion juice mixed equally with honey is a popular cough syrup. Their flavonoids and sulfur compounds make onions beneficial for the heart, cholesterol levels, diabetes, arthritis, and generally as an antioxidant.

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List of Remedies for Onions