Oil Pulling for Walnut Oil

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Laverne (Honolulu, Hi) on 04/11/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Just wanted to write on the progress with oil pulling. Started with walnut oil and within two days the black floaters in my eye disappeared! I had just visited my opthamologist who said it was just old age and nothing could be done about it. I can't wait to tell her about my OP experience. Skin problems also have nearly disappeared.

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Peggy (Ancorage, Alaska) on 09/13/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been doing oil pulling for about one month and using cold pressed walnut oil. I went into the dentist for my semi annual cleaning and an exam. both the hygenist and the dentist commmented on how healthy my gums have become. My dentist said "whatever your doing it is working" In the past I have had a problem with bleeding gums--that is GONE.

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