Sesame Oil for Oil Pulling

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Op Newbie (Delhi, India) on 10/13/2014
4 out of 5 stars

I have done OP with sesame oil 3 times now, does make me feel lighter, energetic and a deeper breath, which is quite a relief given I have chronic rhinitis. However doing it for 20 mins on my first attempt was quite taxing and I reduced it to 8-10 mins over the next two trials and every 3-4 days. I have now noticed some of my earlier symptoms of throat and sinus infections coming back, which I hope is the detox effect. Would appreciate any suggestions on the frequency I.e. should one do this daily or is ok to do after 3-4 days.
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Vania (Clarksville, Tennessee, Usa) on 03/03/2011
4 out of 5 stars

Harold, several months have passed since you posted about your experience with Oil Pulling for Eczema, so you may have discovered this remedy already. Have you tried Organic Coconut Oil?

I had a very bad case on my arms (I'd never had it there before) for several months. Several months before, I had searched the internet for home remedies for Eczema, hoping to find a treatment for my back. Coconut Oil was a recurring theme, but I really didn't expect it to help me. Finally, after my arms got really bad, in desperation I went to my local health food store to buy it. I bought it on a Monday (this was about 3 years ago), and ate a tablespoon of it that night. On Tuesday I ate three tablespoons. On Wednesday evening, it occurred to me that it might work even better if I put it on the affected areas, too. By Saturday, all of the eczema was gone. Really.

I still have eczema on my back, because I don't usually make the time to reach it well. And I'm inconsistent in my intake. I've lived with eczema nearly all my life, so I'm used to it, and my skin is scarred in several places because of it. But, whenever I get really sick of it, I know I can depend on Coconut Oil's healing powers.

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Arsieiuni (Arley, Al, United States Of America) on 11/02/2010
4 out of 5 stars

I tried this yesterday morning to combat an oncoming sinus infection and it was fantastic! One tablespoon of sesame oil (it's just a brand I keep on hand for cooking, bought from the local superdepartment store but no ingredients beyond the oil listed) in my mouth and I began swishing it and pulling it through my teeth. I did this as long as I could stand (being sick a the time makes it a little unpleasant as breathing was difficult) and spit it out. It was not quite colorless as the article implied it should be but it had gone from a rich brown to a pale, pale yellow-brown. I know I probably needed to swish it longer, but I couldn't breathe (due to head congestion, unrelated to the Oil Pulling). I did feel a little better instantly. I felt better through-out the day and night. Today, I didn't do oil pulling because the congestion has gone into my throat and I knew breathing would be worse, but it is something I'll continue to do for dental health and its other benefits. I feel it did help combat the sinus infection which has gone from severe congestion to mild congestion today. I also used cayenne gargling and ACV to combat the sore throat and congestion. I LOVE EARTH CLINIC!