Sesame Oil for Oil Pulling

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Lynn (San Francisco, ca) on 04/09/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I started oil pulling 3 weeks ago with Sesame Oil. At first I was absolutely disgusted by the consistency and could barely keep it in my mouth for 3 minutes. The next day I tried again and was able to swish for about 7 minutes. Everyday the process became easier and easier and now I'm up to 15 minutes. It has not taken away the dark circles under my eyes, my allergies are the worst they've ever been, and my energy has not improved BUT I have definitely noticed that my teeth are extremely clean and feel absolutely amazing. The horribly bad breath (which I attribute to several years on antibiotics) that plagued me has completely disappeared. Clean teeth and fresh breath are reasons enough for me to continue oil pulling and hopefully after a few months I will reap the benefits that others speak of.

Ken (Philadelphia, PA) on 04/01/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! it worked for me. 1 tbsp of sesame oil each morning. It absolutely clears all cravings for things you don't want to do, except spurred on by bad choice of food, hence watch your food at least for two weeks, that is if you really want to/ (just) 'want' to quit smoking/ addiction. Because oil pulling does 3/4 of the work. The only problem i encountered was the thought of cigarettes, especially when i see others smoke. In my thinking thats an iota of the real struggle people lament about in dealing with old habits.

You see this was even the first time i tried to quit and it made it feel so easy. In short, i think oil pulling corrects abnormalities in your body and makes you normal. Big two thumbs! up to Earth clinic. I don't know what the big companies are really doing, when the amazing medications lie in the very simple things of life. Thank you for your service on behalf of the world.

EC: Read more here:

Patty (Houston, TX USA) on 03/21/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Just a note myself to say that I have started trying the oil pulling myself today..with organic sesame oil..I have already experienced some relief from sore tongue due to biting my tongue in my sleep (waking up with a start and biting my tongue so bad it bleeds.) I know that's crazy ! ! Anyway after just one use my tongue is not so sore anymore..I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't experienced it..Have deep amalgum filings, however, that are probably 25 years old...guess if they come out, I'll have to deal with that...maybe i can get less toxic filings then.. I know i have tasted periodically that metallic taste in my mouth and couldn't figure out the cause..finally read here that it may be the mercury in my filings.

Also I have tried the Turmeric for boils and that has worked great for me. It starts to subside after taking just one dose and continues to dry up..

I love this web site..I know there are better cures than what our doctors try to give's medicate or cut...don't like that.. God bless to all out there trying to find help ! ! !


Laurie (Decatur, Georgia) on 02/24/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I just discovered this site today, but wanted to share my experience. I read about oil pulling two months ago and thought it would be good to try for painful tooth that 3 dentists gave me 3 different diagnoses on. Bought a large bottle of pure sesame oil and pulled three mornings in a row with one tablespoon of oil. On the third day I noticed I had a slight sore throat. Two days later that was followed by what appeared to be the flu for four days (I now know that was the Herkximer reaction). The curious thing is I had no fever or digestive compliants the entire time of said "flu" - bad nasal congestion, eyes hurt like a headache and horrible coughing. When it was over I noticed that I was able to chew on the left side of my mouth which I had not been able to do for a few months! Was it the oil pulling? I seriously suspect so. If you were a bad microbe and could not produce your own food, where would you choose to live in the human body? Close to where the food comes in, right?

Mira (Toronto, ON) on 02/23/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

First, I am so glad I found Earth Clinic and read all your posts. I am so grateful with the person who shared the oil pulling technique with me and told me to google. All my life, I asked dentists why they didn't help us with something that help prevent having cavities and root canals. I have already shared the info with my family and friends as this is a valuable health protecting method.

I have been oil pulling for the last 4-5 days with Sesame oil and I believe it is working. For the first couple of days, I would spit all white mix with the saliva but now, it has become yellow and I wonder why. I think someone else had the same feedback.
I am learning so much on oils that I didn't know and I don't want to get side-tracked and confused with all the different oils. I will stay on my sesame oil as i love the taste.

Also, I would like to ask Ted this question. I have some oral cleansing products to cleanse heavy metal they're from a well known online company (I had them for over a year and I am worried they might expire) is there a problem if I start using them while oil pulling?

Today was the first day I felt side effects: noise bothered me and I feel very stressed out and maybe it is just my work but I wonder if the results of the oil pulling aren't showing up.

I have sinus issues, I am better with a diet without wheat and have at time used Adamo blood type diet but I always get back eating food with gluten. I hope oil pulling will help sucking some of the mucus created by gluten. Also, honey this product known healthy has bothered my stomach made me sick often and I wonder if oil pulling will cure my allergy to honey.


Mary (Cleveland, OH) on 02/11/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

After giving birth to my daughter 9 years ago, I developed TMJ. About a year ago, I started oil-pulling with organic sesame oil after reading about it at various sites. One day, I realized that my jaw didn't make noises anymore, and I also have full range of motion. In addition to oil-pulling, I also take hot, detox baths with 2 cups of Epsom Salts, and frequently cleanse my ear canals with 3% food-grade, hydrogen peroxide for approximately 10 minutes. See my website about curing psoriasis.

Max Nass (NYC, NY) on 02/07/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

I have been taking sesame oil for pain for at least 2 months and I have had no results. I take it in the morning. Should I take it at night before going to sleep? I take it in the morning before I eat or drink. It would be difficult to space it out more than 2 hours before going to bed. Please advise. Thank you.
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Tina (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/24/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I was like you in the beginning, my gag reflex wouldn't allow me to keep the oil in my mouth for longer than 5 min. But after about 2 months of no oil pulling and watching my boyfriend continue his routine of it, i started it again. Make sure you are using cold pressed organic sesame oil refined. It does make a difference. Also slowly work your way up to 15-20 min. It also helps to do something while you are swishing... like watch tv or check your email.

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Donna (Alamogordo, NM) on 01/10/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a bad tooth and it was swollen and painful. I did a search and came across the oil pulling site. I began at once with sesame oil. My tooth resolved immediately. But I continued. I got so sick I thought I was going to die. Thank God I was off of work for 2 1/2 weeks but my kids came to visit. I had an incredibly high fever, and turned very pale and so sick I should have not been out of bed. I could not even dress. My head had never hurt so horribly bad. I continued with the oil pulling for 3 times per day. Then as I was getting well, after about 7 days, it was really odd that I began expelling from my mouth in the form of mucous, but not ordinary mucous. It was light, airy, and foamy as I had never experienced before. I expelled this nasty stuff by the kleenex fulls. I continued and got better, my color came back to my face and I felt extremely better. My friend commented that my back by my lungs looked a lot smaller as though I had lost a lot of weight. I now can breathe and seem to be very healthy. I continue to use the oil pulling but only sesame about 3 to 4 times per week but only one time per day. I have wonderful skin and no more nasty dry cracked heels. Thank you for supplying this secret that has helped me regain my health. God Bless You!!!

Bronzechiqz (France, Argentuil) on 12/24/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

Ive been oil pulling for a week using sesame oil every morning on empty stomach. 15-20 minutes later, I would spit out, the oil will become slightly white still oily consistency, gargle and rinse with a glass of warm water, baking soda and salt. And then brush my teeth. Seeing teds method, I brushed first and did the procedure. I coudnt really see difference on anything except for lil whiter teeth. My skin just stayed the same and my appetite seem to be increasing??? Im thinking of switching to sunflower oil or coconut to see any changes. Any suggestion?
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