Oil Pulling for Pumpkin Seed Oil

5 star (1) 

Stevie Lynn (Lala Land, Ca, Usa) on 04/08/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to work at a healthfood store, and we had many customers who purchased hemp oil for oil pulling... I am new to the practice of oil pulling and have never tried this oil myself. Has anyone out there tried it? How did it work for you?

One that I have tried that I did not see listed anywhere is pumpkin seed oil... It is one of my favorites. It tastes nicer that others and is a pleasing consistancy to start with. I do not know if it has anything special that it is good for... But it seems to have the same positive effects overall as seseme or sunflower oil. I do not like the taste of seseme or the consistancy of sunflower. If anyone else has used pumkin seed oil too and has any more info on the details of its possible benefits please let me know.

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