Oil Pulling for General Feedback

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Joanne (Cole City, Georiga) on 05/28/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been doing the oil pulling for several weeks and I have alot more energy, and my teeth are much whiter. I feel great, but I'm wondering what is this black(dark grey) streak is running down the right side of my tongue. Is it toxins coming out of my body? I have no bad side effects other than this colored tongue? I LOVE this site!
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Elizabeth (Arlington, TX) on 05/24/2007:
0 out of 5 stars

I know it may be a little soon for feedback as I have been oil pulling for only 5 days now. However, I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this: starting yesterday my nose has become very tender and producing more, ya know--boogers. I am wondering if, because OP affects mucous, bad stuff is finding its way out via my nose. Sinuses are fine, just the nose. I have started taking coconut oil and ACV at the same time, so I don't know which to attribute these other benefits I have been noticing: Appetite WAY under control on day 1, especially sugars don't interest me and night time munchies gone, don't like coffee when I do OP, lost about 5#. I had no symptoms before starting, just liked the benefits I read about. If anyone else has experienced the nose-thing, please let me know.
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Lee (West Bountiful, Utah) on 05/23/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

i've been oil pulling and my wife also for one month and three days. to us it has been overwhelming and many very effective changes have occurred in our bodies which allows me to recognize how powerful this therapy is. i have far more peace of mind, extremely improved digestion and elimination, sleep much better, strain in muscles is vanished, im 65 years old, my loose teeth are much tighter and i am feeling like im walking around with a younger persons body. my wife and i have not eaten ice cream or cake or pie or candy or chocolate or soda pop for five years. no white sugar or white bread. in short, we'll change our life in any way to achieve good health. if i we're not to improve any more than this i would do oil pulling for the rest of my life. this is the most powerful therapy that has ever come to me. anyone who won't search and research this method and do it for a month to understand that it works is truly dumber than a rock. my whole story, and my wife's story would take a while to relate. how can we get the world to comprehend?
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Abby (San Felice Circeo, Italy) on 05/22/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Comment and Question: It's been 2 months that I have been oil pulling. The other day a piece of sediment came out of my lower teeth. I thought my tooth was broken. I brush my teeth 3x a day it really amazed me the effect oil pulling had on my teeth. This loosening of sediment must be because of the oil pulling right? I wonder if the same thing has happened to anyone else? Regards Abby
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Barbarra (Blacksburg, VA) on 05/09/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I started oil pulling every morning about 3 weeks ago after reading about it on this website and researching it further on the internet. The pain in my hips that I have been living with for a couple of years has slowly disappeared. I cannot say for certain that it is related to the oil pulling since I used H2O2 for a few days last month and I also used detox clay baths several times over the past few months but I thought it was worth noting. I had 4 emotional down days last week and have felt upbeat and full of energy since. This could be related to the fact that I am female and approching 50... but could be a detox effect, I don't know. Any oil works for me, all turn white within 5-10 minutes with no adverse effects. I have removed several moles with blood root ( enouraged by your testimonials) and it worked like a charm, the only issue I have is with the healing of the cavity left after the mole falls off. The skin pulls together and forms a keloid with redish discoloration. It actually looks worse than the mole. Is there anything I can use to support the healing process? I have been using VitE without improvement. Thanks for all your input and comments, now I feel so connected to the holistic health community. That's Great!
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Rita (Stelle, IL) on 05/08/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I found an easy way to keep the oil in my mouth for twenty minutes. I check my email. Time goes by so fast. Moving the oil in my mouth is not a very demanding activity in terms of intense concentration. Reading the events of the day on line while oil pulling works really well together.
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Annie (Ann Arbor, Michigan) on 05/07/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

For years I have had a raw, almost purplish red area on my throat that always alarmed physicians but they could not heal it. I did the op and within 4 days the redness is fading significantly. My throat is looking a normal pink color and the soreness is leaving. This is like a miracle since nothing had helped in the past. i have no idea what was the source of the problem but I am thrilled to see it being healed.
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Vasalisa (Detroit , Michigan) on 05/05/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been very distressed by a horrible taste in my mouth that was metalic in nature. Nothing would get rid of it and it was so awful that I would awaken at night due to the bitterness. I tried the oil pulling for 10 minutes twice a day and had the most wonderful relief. It was not difficult or unpleasant. What a great cure.
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John (Grendi, Malta) on 05/04/2007:
0 out of 5 stars

oil pulling cause tmj pain
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Dani (Queens, NY) on 04/29/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been oil pulling for about 5 weeks now. First thing I noticed was my sweet tooth completely gone, needless to say with that came weight loss. Also it is true that your ailments first worsen before getting better. My biggest thing was leg pain from my varicose veins. When I first started OP it hurt for about a week since then I haven't had any pain. Thank you for all your great help.
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