Oil Pulling for General Feedback

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Chris Nielsen (Vancouver, Canada) on 01/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you!!! I had an absessed touth and do not live anywhwere near a dentist. I am a herbalist so I lanced the absess and extracted the poisens. I then soaked a piece of cotton in echinacia and golden seal tincture with grain alcolol and dabbed this into pure goldenseal root powder. This seemed to help the tooth for a while. About a week or so later it started to infect again.I was already taking the echanicia golden seal tincture internally to boost my immune system.I found your info on oil pulling and gave it a try. Unbelievable !! It worked. My mouth felt clean and the absess has disapeared. My tounge was pink immediatly after and i loved the clean feeling in my mouth. I am so grateful because my tooth absessed during the Christmas Season and getting to see a dentist anywhere close by is next to immpossible. Thank you for this info. Chris.

Patsy (Arlington, Texas) on 01/09/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

I have been doing the op thing just a few days, but the second day my nasal passeges were very swollen, it did go away.my stomache hurts alot after op,. I do feel more energy but havent noticed anything else as of yet. I will keep ya posted.

Angel (Troy, USA) on 01/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been oiling pulling for 3 weeks now after accidentlly coming across this web page. I was suffering from a sinus infection for 3 months and taking dayquil everyday just to get through the day. After one time of OP my sinus drained imediately, I did't have to wait. I stopped the meds that day, continued to OP, mucus pulled out everyday. I am amazed. Also my teeth, gums, and tongue are cleaner than ever. A couple of things I did't expect: My energy has skyrocketed, even in the morning (its been at least 20 years I have had energy like this without caffine). Also I don't crave caffine, sugar, salt. I sleep restful and don't need as much sleep. My skin is as soft as a baby. I was hooked on monster energy drinks, I drank at least 3 aday, but none since OP. God gives us the tools to heal ourself, we just have to use them. Thank-you.

Ann Kelly (Glasgow, Scotland) on 12/30/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I tried the Oil Pulling remedy and found my mouth felt very clean and 'lubricated' - almost like my mouth was younger inside!!! I recommended it to my sister, but I am a little concerned because she is on thyroxin for her thyroid. Does anyone know of any adverse effects from using OP alongside thyroxin?

Toni (Tujunga, California) on 12/28/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I had a Sinus infection that started in April 2006, I found out 8 months later is was an infected root canal, which led me on a battle for my health, Traditional Medical and Dental professionsals had me ping ponging back and forth between them, i see now due to their ignorance. had my mouth cleaned up a month ago all metals out, have been detoxing since and feel better and worse at the same time. Started oil Pulling 2 1/2 weeks ago and noticed the Sinus infection has improved and at the same time feels a little worse, can Ted comment on my situation? I feel that the benefits of Oil Pulling can help more than anything, the Biological Dentist had a Homeopathic MD take a saliva test to make sure all metals were out of my mouth before they did a Cavitation surgery on the infected tissue left behind from infected tooth. My question is does it take time for sinus to heal? Any feedback from anyone would be most helpful. Thank You, Toni

Jenmal ([email protected]) on 12/27/2007:
0 out of 5 stars

I found this site because I was searching for a rememdy for the whiteness on my tounge. I struggled with the idea of OP for about a week and decided to do it. The first time I did it I did it for 20 minutes, but immediatly noticed my tounge was nice and pink again. The second day and beyond(now on my 5th day), i got a cold sore which I get very infrequently,and I also would get weird headaches too, so I hope it is s good sign. It is one of the worst cold sores I have ever had BTW, and I also felt real sick for a little while and sluggish.It almost feels like things are trying to leave my body. I am going to keep it up and see what develops, and will post my results later.

Shiv (Hyderabad, India) on 12/22/2007:
0 out of 5 stars

I started doing oil pulling, its 2weeks and my BP increased and also I had severe Gas problem in my stomach. My doctor increased my BP dose... Is it due to oil puling?? Should I continue doing it or stop it?

Paul (Miami, Florida) on 12/18/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I tried oil pulling for the first time this morning and it had an incredible effect on my thrush. Not only that but my gums have already almost completely stopped bleeding. I've been on medicine after medicine for thrush but each one makes it worse and the doctors were stupmed. 1 session of oil pulling (I only did it for 5 mins to start off) has gotten rid of most of my thrush except the thick parts in the back of my tongue. This is truely amazing.

Jenny (Rock Hill, SC) on 12/14/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

About 8 months ago, my wisdom teeth were giving me so much pain I could barely speak, much less eat. The dentists would tell me to go to a surgeon to get them removed and the surgeon would tell me to see my dentist because they weren't out enough to be removed! After about 2 weeks of this non-sense, a friend told me to try oil-pulling. After the first 4 days, I started seeing results! My teeth weren't hurting so much and they felt cleaner. I haven't visited a dentist since then, nor any other doctor. I haven't even gotten a cold this year!! I used to get a cold or fever or sinus infections (you name it) every few months with the change in the weather, but not this year! I had a sore throat 2 weeks ago but that lasted 2 days and I was better already! My face looks brighter and I feel more energized as well. I would recommend this to anybody, whether you have problems or not. It's absolutely amazing! I feel healthier now than I did 5 years ago! Thank you so much for sharing this!

Cathy (Madrid, Spain) on 12/08/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

the oil pulling is amazing. never before such mouth hygiene and healthy looking tongue and teeth.
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