Oil Pulling for General Feedback

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Preci (Dubai, UAE) on 02/28/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

It is four months that my husband and I have been doing oil pulling. But we have seen no improvement or difference - how long will it take for the dark circles to disappear or teeth to whiten or diabetese to cure? We do oil pulling then brush our teeth using tooth paste and then drink glass of water and after 15 minutes have breakfast.

Gislain (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Recently, I developed a nasty Sinus infection which was my first. I was on antibiotics at the time but they didn't help my Sinus headache, watery eyes, and horrible congestion. It got worse each day. I was just suffering at work! I read about ACV on this site and tried it. It helped instantly, and I thought I was cured...but the symptoms returned within an hour of each dose. ACV helped but I needed something to completely make this Sinus problem go away. Upon reading about Oil Pulling, my first reaction was, "Pulling what?" It sounded really easy so I thought I'd see what happens. After my first OP session, I immediately blew out loads of "stuff" from my nose and felt relaxed. Slept great that night! By the next morning, I felt significantly better. I was planning on going to the zoo and wanted to be able to go without suffering. After 5 OP sessions and two days later, I have no more pressure in my head and my chest feels a bit heavy, but I know it's a sign my body is healing. I feel better and my glands aren't sore anymore. I just know that within a few more days, I will be cured! In the U.S. "cures" don't exist. Medications have taken over over the Health industry here! All the pills we get just treat the problem(s) and creat more. Who wants to just treat?! I want a cure! In addition to my Sinus relief, my hair is shinier, my skin feels a little smoother, and I have had several bowel movements lately (much more than usual). I'm sold! Now, I just need to sell my girlfriend on OP because she has bad Eczema and has tried all the topical creams/medications that only treat her condition. She laughs when I Oil Pull my toxins away. It does make me sleepy at times after I do it, so I'll have to only OP at night. I don't see any reason to stop. I will do this the rest of my life. Also, I was a massive cheese-aholic. I cut that out of my diet completely! That is not easy to do.

Sue (Manchester, CT) on 02/18/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I have been oil pulling for about a month. It does make my teeth feel cleaner,also notice if I'm feeling tired and need to stay awake, it perks me up, I don't have a lot of problems, so thought I would use it for preventing illnesses.Sue

Visi (Kuwait) on 02/12/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been oil pulling regularly but although i am thrilled with the white teeth .. i am alarmed at how sharp they have become. is this due to the oil pulling ? Please respond i am desparate ...

Claudette (Memphis, TN) on 02/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have done OP for about 2 wks now. I had a brown discolored tooth and after 2 pulls the brown is gone. I have had my teeth cleaned many times by a dentist and still had that brown tooth. I am really excited that it is now the same as the rest of my teeth. I am now pulling to see if it will help spider veins on my legs. If anyone can give me info on that please share.

Pat~Momof2inMO (Wright City, MO) on 02/05/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have a question regarding OIL PULLING. I am interested in doing this but have some concerns. I have saliva issues - stones and possibly another problem. Will this aggravate the issue as it heals it or just make the problem worse? I have a pretty toxic load - bad teeth (no more mercury though), high blood pressure, diabetes, skin problems, scalp problems, mostly likely thyroid & adrenal issues also, not to mention an extreme stress situation currently. Is there a way to do this without getting sick - I have too many people depending on me to get sick doing this. Suggestions please!
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Luc (Southampton, New Jersey) on 02/04/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Oil Pulling. Any benefit with this therapy for weight loss? In the short time I've been doing Oil Pulling, I have seen some very good changes in my complexion and energy level and would like to lose some weight and wondered if oil pulling is effective in this regard.

Bas (Sebastopol, CA) on 02/01/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I started oil pulling two days ago. (1 tablespoon for 20 minutes first thing in the morning) The reason I started is a sinus infection that seems to be getting better. I was also pulled by the promise of detoxing from heavy metals since I have ingested a lot of lead as a kid. An other reason for me to give the OP a try was my allergy related respitory problems that I have had since early childhood. The reason that I am writing earth clinic is that I have developed a burning rash on my legs. I am wondering if it is related and if anyone else has had this happen. I did eat quite som pecan nuts the other day and am wondering wether I might have become allergic to them. (I am allergic to cashews) Thank you for responding. Bas

Majid Khan (Lancashire, United Kingdom) on 01/28/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have tried OP pulling for several weeks and results have been incredible. I have had suffered sinus problems and after OP it has cured them. I have felt this calmness that I havent felt for A LONG TIME. The problem in life is that you get told so many solutions to health issues that you dont know which one to choose. I just think that the remedies that make you think "thats disgusting I dont want to try it" are the ones that really work. I feel that especially sinus sufferers are prone to mood swings, feeling low and feeling drained that OP is a BREATHE OF FRESH AIR (that sounds good!). So give it a try and dont be shy MAJID KHAN (happy dude)
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Lucille (Southampton, New Jersey) on 01/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi. I've recently started Oil Pulling treatment and although just a few days, my energy level is elevated and my teeth are brighter. I am hoping for result in lowering blood pressure. My question is, would OP help relieve pain from Interstitial Cystitus? A chronic pain problem for the last year. Doctor consultations/meds have not helped. Please post this question on the website. thanks!
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