Oil Pulling for Dental Health for Oil Pulling Feedback

5 star (17) 

Dani (Adelaide, Australia) on 04/03/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered with very sensitive teeth for years and avoided going to the dentist for fear of the pain that comes with a checkup and clean. That is until I started oil pulling with coconut oil. After a week of oil pulling for approx 10 mins a day 5 days a week all sensitivity was gone and I stopped using sensitive toothpaste. My teeth became whiter and most soreness went, I just had a very slight tenderness around the my bottom 4 front teeth. So I went to the dentist expecting cavities and was told that there were none and I was doing a good job cleaning my teeth despite avoiding the dentist for many years. After having a proper clean my teeth look and feel amazing. The oil pulling sorted out my sensitivity and improved my gums and oral health so that I didn't suffer pain or feel embarrassment at the dentist. I will continue to oil pull so that sensitivity doesn't return. Thanks again earth clinic
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Nana (Florence, Al) on 11/04/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

To all who have dental issues: four months ago I started a new morning ritual that is easy and cheap. Yesterday when I went to get a dental cleaning and check up (its been a year) the hygienist was amazed at my teeth! The first thing she said to me was, "Your teeth are spotless!" Then after looking further in my mouth she said,, "You don't have any plague! " While she was spraying that jet stream in my mouth that stings your gums she said, "My white latex gloves are next to your teeth and your teeth look bleach white! " Then when she was finished she said, "You didn't have one drop of blood! You have absolutely no infection or bacteria in your mouth! " She wanted to know what I'd been doing, and I said, "OIL PULLING with organic coconut oil." (Also brushing with baking soda & flossing every morning). The dentist came in and looked around and said everything looks fine. My X-rays showed that the gums that had started receding the past few years seem to be covering the bottom of my teeth again in places. This was NOT a coincidence! I was extremely happy walking out of the office! Hope this helps somebody.
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Lwcath (Pawleys Island, Sc, Usa) on 09/08/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I amhaving great results with oil pulling with coconut oil for the last 3 weeks. I have also been doing a daily rinse with hydrogen peroxide. My lower cuspid teeth had horrible tartar that covered the bottom of the teeth. My gums were discolored and receding. Receding badly on the bottom. I never felt they were really clean after the most intense brushing. And I have intermittent issues of gum and tooth pain. My mouth felt better overall after just the 1st pull. 3 weeks later- Now, my upper gums have no signs of receding. My gums are pink and healthy looking. I had 2 troublesome, persistent swollen salivary glands on the floor of my mouth that are now non-existent. All tartar and plaque is gone, with the exeption of one tiny spot on one of the cuspids, and it is diminishing by the day.

I told my friend who is a dental hygienist about it. She didn't believe me. So I drove over to her house, and she was amazed. Epecially in the great condition of my gums.

My teeth feel so strong! I am a smoker, and my teeth are so much whiter. And when I rub my tongue over them it feels as if I have just left the dentist. Also, when I wake up, no bad breath! I was really scared I was going to ultimately lose some teeth, but now those fears are vanquished. Also, my skin is no longer dry, and my dry hair looks oily if I don't wash it every day. I also have noticed that I no longer have to use eyedrops and chapstick all day. My skin is just so nourished. I also think I am not grinding my teeth at night anymore.

Thank you Earth Clinic!!!!! I have to be careful who I tell this story to because I sound like a wing nut. I would never believe it if I hadn't experienced it!

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Coffeeplease (Quad Cities, Iowa, Usa) on 05/19/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I oil pulled with unrefined organic Sesame oil for one week. I had a severe gum infection for which I was also taking antibiotics, but no over the counter pain medication. I had swelling and pain. I also have severe gum disease and have already lost one tooth by simply falling out, and before oil pulling had two more teeth about 80% loose, nearly ready to fall out, to the point where I could no longer chew on one side of my mouth, and retired to the idea that I could only eat soft foods for as long as I had this set of teeth. Being my first time oil pulling I opted to take the antibiotics as my infection was severe and wasn't sure whether oil pulling alone could take care of it, however, I was pleasantly surprised with the sesame oil! It took away pain for hours, it reduced my swelling almost immediately also for hours, it firmed up my loose teeth to about 80% normal in just a few days. I could bite into burgers and chew on both sides again. I oil pulled 3 times a day for 20 minutes. I followed none of the recommended rules (Oil Pulling on empty stomach, etc) I also slept like a rock during that week. Eventually gum disease causes people to NOT brush their teeth because of the pain, and if they do it is not for very long, so pulling before brushing helps tons, especially 3 times a day (once being before bed)

My mistake was switching to coconut oil the next week. It may be as effective at killing bacteria but was not as effective for pain (with me) nor did it make my gums feel good like sesame did... To the point where I just quit doing it until I got sesame oil again- which was today. I want to finish completely firming up these two still slightly loose teeth, and put an end to this gum disease. I intend to OP with sesame for the rest of my life and try remineralizing my teeth (for decay) at the same time. I absolutely love it and am so thankful to have to have come across it.

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Ellen (Norwich, Ct) on 06/16/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had an excessive salt taste constantly in my mouth for the past 2 years. Checked with my Family Physician, Endocrinoligist, and Dentist. None of which could give me a reason or solution to the salt taste. I have been oil pulling with Coconut Oil for about 3 weeks and about a week after I began I realized the salt taste was gone. I have also noticed dark circles and puffiness under my eyes have diminished. I also see an improvement in the color of my teeth and gums. I will definitely continue with the OP and perhaps try another oil as well.
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Teresa (St. Augustine, Florida Usa) on 09/20/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Sesame Oil Pulling Reversed My Periodontal Disease

I have always brushed my teeth regularly but I have not been so good at flossing. A year and a half ago I went to the dentist for a usual check up and cleaning. My gums had started bleeding when I was brushing my teeth so I wanted to get them checked. I was especially worried about my 2 front teeth which are implants I got after an accident years ago.

I was told I had gingivitis and pockets in my gums indicating the onset of periodontal disease. They gave me a dental rinse to use at home and had me come back in 3 months. After 3 months the bleeding gums cleared up some but not much. After that, I did not go back to the dentist for a year. Of course my teeth and gums continued to grow worse, bleeding and causing me problems.

Then about 8 months ago I was searching online about bleeding gums and discovered oil pulling. I became curious and figured it was worth a try. I bought some organic refined sesame oil. Within about 2 weeks I noticed a remarkable improvement in my oral health. My gums stopped bleeding and my front teeth quit bothering me.

I stopped oil pulling as an experiment just to make sure it was indeed the oil pulling that was causing the improvement. When I stopped for a few days my front teeth started bothering me and my gums got red and puffy, looking like they were going to bleed again. I resumed the oil pulling and noticed immediate relief and improvement.

I just went back to the dentist last week (this would be a year between visits). They took xrays and did the cleaning. They discovered that my gingivitis/periodontal disease was almost completely gone! No cavities either. The cleaning was a breeze. They were surprised. The dentist verified that my oral health has greatly improved. I am delighted!

I am convinced it is the oil pulling that improved my oral health since I did not change anything else in my lifestyle or hygiene habits. I will continue to oil pull for the rest of my life. I am using refined Sesame Oil every morning before breakfast.

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Bob (Denver, Colorado) on 10/29/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Coconut Oil and Gum Disease

I tried Oil Pulling with coconut oil for gum recession. After having two expensive surgeries my gums continued to recede. After using Coconut oil for about a year my 7 pockets are now 4 and my dentist believes I no longer need to be concerned about receding gums. I credit the Coconut Oil used in oil pulling for the improvement. Thanks for a great site for alternative remedies.

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