Uk for Blackstrap Molasses: Buy

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Jenny (London, UK) on 02/05/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have been reading about the wonderful cures for fibroids and anaemia on this site . . . I have had fibroids since 2003 and horrendous heavy bleeding. I raced out a couple of days ago to buy some organic blackstrap molasses which you can buy at the Bushwhacker Health Food Shop on King's Street in London W6 - it's less than £2 for a large jar. I've been taking 1 tbsp twice and sometimes three times a day . . . Looking forward to better health! Am also taking 1 tbsp organic apple cider vinegar in water twice a day.

Malik (Birmingham, UK) on 05/03/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, Just wanted to point out that you can purchase a large jar of Black Strap Molasses for less than Two Pounds (£2) from Holland and Barretts (natural)... I wouldn't refrigerate it though.. it just hardens up... and for those that take a spoon full directly i would recommend dipping the spoon in some water... leaving a few drops on and then using the top of the mouth to scrape it from the spoon. The water helps it glide off easier.. and the top of the mouth helps avoid the molasses from getting stuck on your teeth... and then immediately rinse the mouth to wash excess away. I hope this helps.