Nutritional Comparisons of Blackstrap Molasses Brands

Modified on Mar 03, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

Molasses Brand Comparisons

We started posted a nutritional comparison of blackstrap molasses brands back starting in 2007 and our readers have continued to add to the list. If you don't see a brand you've bought on the list, please write us and let us know!

Which Type of Molasses Should I Buy for My Health?

For heath purposes, choose blackstrap molasses. Blackstrap molasses is produced from sugar cane. It is made from the third boiling, thus it is darker and has more nutrients than the molasses made from the first or second boiling. Blackstrap molasses has a stronger taste than regular molasses. For cooking and baking, regular molasses is often preferred, though blackstrap can be used. For those who wish the benefits of molasses for health, blackstrap molasses is the one you want. It has the concentration of nutrients.

What is the Difference between Sulphured and Unsulphured Molasses?

Sometimes sulphur dioxide is used in the processing of molasses. Purists tend to look for products with a minimum of added ingredients. Ideally, look for unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Though, if you cannot obtain unsulphured blackstrap molasses, plenty of people do use sulphured blackstrap molasses for health purposes with great results.

Which Brand of Molasses Should I Buy?

As you will find later on this page, there are many different brands of molasses. It can be difficult to decide which brand to buy, unless, of course you live in an area with smaller stores and fewer options, then you will likely be bound to buy what is available.

If you have multiple options and are feeling overwhelmed with making a choice, just make sure the brand you choose is blackstrap. An organic and unsulphered variety would be preferred. 

If there is a particular nutrient your body needs to correct a particular ailment, and you have the luxury of many options, you can use this page to find the brand the contains the most of the nutrient you are hoping to get out of blackstrap molasses.

For example, if you are taking molasses for anemia, look for a brand with the highest iron content.

Women who are post-menopausal, looking to increase calcium intake naturally, should pick a brand with a higher calcium content.

Those who suffer with atrial fibrillation and are looking to get more magnesium out of food for heart health, will want to make sure the blackstrap molasses chosen is one of the ones with a high magnesium content.

If you are taking blackstrap molasses for gray hair, look for a brand with more copper in it.

Should you do not see results from the molasses that you are taking, next time you purchase some, pick a different brand and see how that works for you. While gallon jugs of blackstrap molasses are sometimes available, start with a small bottle and make sure the brand suits you and that you are going to follow through with treatment. The good news is that even if you end up with a gallon of blackstrap molasses and use it slowly, it does have a long shelf life. You can even use blackstrap molasses in your garden if you decide the remedy isn't the best option for you. Blackstrap molasses can be added to water and used to water plants!

Continue reading to find nutritional information about many brands of blackstrap molasses.

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List of Remedies for Blackstrap Molasses Brands