Medicinal Mushrooms

Modified on Aug 25, 2023

Medicinal mushrooms have enjoyed centuries of respect within Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Western Medicine is finally beginning to recognize their value, especially with respect to treatment of cancer and in support of immune function. Not all mushrooms are of equal medicinal value, however.

Many mushrooms contain nutraceutical chemicals such as taxol, penicillin, Vitamin D, schizophyllan, and lentinan. These among other organic compounds in mushrooms offer anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other benefits that can halt the growth of tumors, ramp up the immune system, and balance brain activity among many other benefits.

Regrettably, the sorts of mushrooms you find commonly in most groceries stores are less likely to offer substantial health benefits than more exotic Asian mushrooms, edible and medicinal.

Home Remedies: Common options such as the Chaga, Shiitake, and Reishi mushrooms have been identified to offer anti-viral, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, and glycemic benefits to support the body's immune system, destroy cancerous tumors, and prevent or moderate diabetic conditions.

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    List of Remedies for Medicinal Mushrooms