Medicinal Herb Photos

Medicinal Herb Identification Photos

Modified on Jun 05, 2018

All over the globe little plants of seemingly infinite variety show up that few know what to do with. They might be enjoyed for their beauty or hated for their pervasiveness. Some plants are indeed poisonous, yet among these "weeds" are an amazing array of healing herbs. Medicinal herbs have been used for thousands of years. Unfortunately, in modern times with chemical medications, the simple and powerful healing in plants is often overlooked or forgotten.

Herbal medicine is nearly always less expensive than pharmaceutical medicine. Herbs, used responsibly, usually do not have side effects or risks of addiction.

It behooves you to learn to identify medicinal herbs. You may be able to make use of them to heal yourself or your loved ones. Beginning to recognize medicinal plants will also give you a greater appreciation for the power contained in them. 

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