Liver Revitalizer for Lemons

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Guilda (New Zealand) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

a short mention on lemon juice, liver loves sour, {if you have a crook liver it doesn't like grapefruit), our liver needs sour to function fully as it works overtime and our diets are full of processed flours and sugars etc. One lemon drink in the morning will alkalize your body for the day and prepare it for its acidic onslaught.It has to be before you have anything to eat or drink. Give it half an hour before breaksfast. Please place cold water on top of the lemon before adding the hot to protect the properties, especially Vit.C as it is destroyed with heat. Add a tsp of honey. Honey is also good for sore throats, 1 tsp of honey on a spoon also does wonders for us. Good health to you.